🧑‍🤝‍🧑 / 🏡 That damn ground hog was wrong again.

'85, maybe? It was my last year in high school in Huntsville and I remember the ice storm that hit pretty hard. I thought that was Feb. 1st.

That was a wild night. I remember coming back from a basketball game in Decatur and seeing the electrical lines breaking on the horizon. It looked like a fireworks display in how it lit the sky. (One of the few times we won on a road trip there.)
North Alabama most times gets snow, ice and the central part of the state will get little to none. So your memory of '85 ice could very well be right for Huntsville. My memory is, I was working a job in B'ham that I quit in mid '85. I worked there from '80 to '85. I would meet up with a buddy at a nearby convenience store and share a ride to work. This particular morning, I woke and started getting ready for work and happened to look out my window to see a few inches of snow. I called my buddy to ask if we would have to go to work, the roads would be pretty slick. He thought I was messing with him and pulling an April fools joke on him, that is until he looked out his window. We went ahead and left for work at our usual time, driving US hwy 78. I was driving about 30 to 40 miles per hour and got pulled over by a Cop and bitched at for driving too fast in dangerous conditions. No ticket just a warning. We turned around and drove back home and waited for the roads to clear up a little. I'm still thinking that was '82, '83, could have even been '84?
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