It seems the 'Bama family has pretty much been divided into two camps concerning one of the players on the team.
It has been this way since his first game as a starter. To start with, according to the experts, his hair was too pretty, he wasn't tough enough, his parents were too well off for him to amount to anything, he didn't have the will or spirit of a person from a less fortunate economic background, etc...
Very rarely was any objectivity used when analyzing his play. Many fans didn't believe that other players on the offense had jobs to do on offense, it was all up to the QB. From the first time on the field it seemed as if irrational fans expected him to carry the team on his back with virtually no help that all other successful QB's rely on.
Despite less that perfect, way less than perfect, conditions for a QB during 90 percent of his time on the field, he has persevered through insults and shame and survived and written his name into 'Bama history books over and over again.
The best QB is always, always on the bench and all that has to be done is to plug him into the game and as the poor, little nervous news announcer said, "boom goes the dynamite".
Constant droning on about how Wilson needs to win the game, Wilson needs to step up, Wilson needs to physically shove NT's out of the way to make room for running backs is the part and parcel of the "QB's are the only player on the team" fanatics. By whining so much they feel they are correcting mistakes that the coach or coaches are too dumb to correct on their own.
That is one view.
The other set of fans, like myself, believe that he has made mistakes. He has made some costly mistakes. He has made some pretty big goof-ups that have cost us some pretty big games. It was painful. But, you stand with him.
He hasn't complained about the mind numbing, stupefying, horrifying play of a porous offensive line that just didn't seem to have the proper training or didn't give a damn.
He didn't complain about WR's who just as soon as not would not follow through on patterns and also just didn't seem to give a damn half of the time.
Crippling hit after crippling hit he would get up and go right back to the slaughter mill and wait for the next Mack truck to bury him. Every once in a while he would throw an interception or fumble, it was almost as if he were a human being.
Running backs were not part of the game plan and he never had one to rely on that could take more than 2 steps without falling on his face.
Different year, different offensive coordinator. Different year, different style of QB'ing being taught to him, always changing.
Now, he seems to be doing a bit better. Of course it has nothing to do with the team being better, but only that Wilson finally just decided he would do right. Some of us have been frustrated with his play at times but didn't run to message boards or run our mouths at work and among friends about how every single weak spot on the 'Bama team over these last couple of years have been the fault of the QB.
That is the difference between the two sets of fans and how they feel about our QB. Some couldn't determine that a QB does not make a team on his own and wanted immediate satisfaction and new blood at the QB spot. Little did these tunnel vision types realize that no QB would have thrived at 'Bama, none. They didn't have time to think about this before speaking.
Now, as the team is doing better, the QB is doing better and everyone wants to jump on the old "everything is okay now" train, Wilson just needs to "step up" and keep it going.
Now they have nice little pointers to offer that are going to help Wilson continue to perform up to their expectations because they can see that he may now have a bit of potential. They imagine that he just miraculously became better; they think the team is just the same as always but the QB finally decided to fly right.
Now, whenever he has a nice game, you can see them say things like "he needs to keep it up" or "it's all up to Wilson if we win the game or not", etc...
They want to get behind him somewhat, but they can't wholeheartedly because they still feel that he has been the problem these last two years and at any second he will revert back to being a loser. They really aren't quick enough to realize that the team is better now so the QB actually has options and can concentrate on his duties like all QB's are supposed to be able to do.
They have it made either way. If Wilson screws up, it is a "I told you" so scenario that they can lay out there and seem smugly arrogant. If he does good, then they have the "he should have been doing it all along" statements to hide behind.
Here is my suggestion. This is his last year, he is the QB, we support the team and we should ALL support the QB during hard times and good times and quit all the what if this or what if that's. Give him some credit while you are pointing out all of his past problems so that you will seem fair and seem reasonable.
Most of all, let's support the whole team and all the players on the team and become the powerful fan base that 'Bama fans once were.
It has been this way since his first game as a starter. To start with, according to the experts, his hair was too pretty, he wasn't tough enough, his parents were too well off for him to amount to anything, he didn't have the will or spirit of a person from a less fortunate economic background, etc...
Very rarely was any objectivity used when analyzing his play. Many fans didn't believe that other players on the offense had jobs to do on offense, it was all up to the QB. From the first time on the field it seemed as if irrational fans expected him to carry the team on his back with virtually no help that all other successful QB's rely on.
Despite less that perfect, way less than perfect, conditions for a QB during 90 percent of his time on the field, he has persevered through insults and shame and survived and written his name into 'Bama history books over and over again.
The best QB is always, always on the bench and all that has to be done is to plug him into the game and as the poor, little nervous news announcer said, "boom goes the dynamite".
Constant droning on about how Wilson needs to win the game, Wilson needs to step up, Wilson needs to physically shove NT's out of the way to make room for running backs is the part and parcel of the "QB's are the only player on the team" fanatics. By whining so much they feel they are correcting mistakes that the coach or coaches are too dumb to correct on their own.
That is one view.
The other set of fans, like myself, believe that he has made mistakes. He has made some costly mistakes. He has made some pretty big goof-ups that have cost us some pretty big games. It was painful. But, you stand with him.
He hasn't complained about the mind numbing, stupefying, horrifying play of a porous offensive line that just didn't seem to have the proper training or didn't give a damn.
He didn't complain about WR's who just as soon as not would not follow through on patterns and also just didn't seem to give a damn half of the time.
Crippling hit after crippling hit he would get up and go right back to the slaughter mill and wait for the next Mack truck to bury him. Every once in a while he would throw an interception or fumble, it was almost as if he were a human being.
Running backs were not part of the game plan and he never had one to rely on that could take more than 2 steps without falling on his face.
Different year, different offensive coordinator. Different year, different style of QB'ing being taught to him, always changing.
Now, he seems to be doing a bit better. Of course it has nothing to do with the team being better, but only that Wilson finally just decided he would do right. Some of us have been frustrated with his play at times but didn't run to message boards or run our mouths at work and among friends about how every single weak spot on the 'Bama team over these last couple of years have been the fault of the QB.
That is the difference between the two sets of fans and how they feel about our QB. Some couldn't determine that a QB does not make a team on his own and wanted immediate satisfaction and new blood at the QB spot. Little did these tunnel vision types realize that no QB would have thrived at 'Bama, none. They didn't have time to think about this before speaking.
Now, as the team is doing better, the QB is doing better and everyone wants to jump on the old "everything is okay now" train, Wilson just needs to "step up" and keep it going.
Now they have nice little pointers to offer that are going to help Wilson continue to perform up to their expectations because they can see that he may now have a bit of potential. They imagine that he just miraculously became better; they think the team is just the same as always but the QB finally decided to fly right.
Now, whenever he has a nice game, you can see them say things like "he needs to keep it up" or "it's all up to Wilson if we win the game or not", etc...
They want to get behind him somewhat, but they can't wholeheartedly because they still feel that he has been the problem these last two years and at any second he will revert back to being a loser. They really aren't quick enough to realize that the team is better now so the QB actually has options and can concentrate on his duties like all QB's are supposed to be able to do.
They have it made either way. If Wilson screws up, it is a "I told you" so scenario that they can lay out there and seem smugly arrogant. If he does good, then they have the "he should have been doing it all along" statements to hide behind.
Here is my suggestion. This is his last year, he is the QB, we support the team and we should ALL support the QB during hard times and good times and quit all the what if this or what if that's. Give him some credit while you are pointing out all of his past problems so that you will seem fair and seem reasonable.
Most of all, let's support the whole team and all the players on the team and become the powerful fan base that 'Bama fans once were.