| GAME THREAD šŸˆ South Florida vs Alabama from Saban Field at Bryant Denny Stadium šŸˆ : ESPN @ 7 ET.

Saddest thing is to see how hard USF is playing and how we can't or simply won't match that energy, at least on offense. The defense has at least been keeping them out of the endzone but the tackling is atrocious.

NVM, we ain't keeping em out of the endzone no more, the turnovers are starting to kill the D.
This was a BAD hire. This guy is an outsider. He inherited a Saban team. This is as good as it will ever get for him, talent wise. Weā€™re going to have to get used to 9-3 seasons as our ceiling
The coaches arenā€™t fumbling the ball or having 2 holding penalties that erase 14 points and a ton of momentum. Along with a ton of bad play across the board. Defense canā€™t be asked to play the entire game like this theyā€™ve had the ball inside our 50 3 times this game. Weā€™re constantly giving them easy ways to score and short fields. If that QB could throw well weā€™d be down 21. We are good on coaching we a terrible in mental mistakes and execution
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