ShaggyBevo changed to ShaggyTexas

via blacklab

A few things

1. Yes, I probably could have won a legal battle. there were a few pretty strong defenses against UT
latches - if you use something for 4 years and the owner doesn't inform you you should be able to use it
parody - it's a parody of bevo, a common man wouldn't mistake this for an official UT site
selective enforcement - other sites have not been forced to change their name.

Unfortunately it would have cost $100k+ to defend. The other problem is there are 2 federal judges in town, who basically do whatever UT tells them to do and would see me as a smartass kid trying to $#@! with authority

The trademarks are owned by the athletic department, not the university. I offered to pay to use it and they said that was a non starter. So it was ultimately Mack Brown/Dodds/Patterson/Plonsky who decided shaggy had to change. The name change did start at the height of the $#@! mack brown era. Notice how "Bevo Beat" is still the name of the statesman blog at ? It's not an accident they went after shaggy.
He was actually dealing with the whole ShaggyBevo name before and during the Woollypocalypse. I have no doubt that ahm was also constantly bothering him at the time and he said fuck it, got enough shit to deal with and did that just to shut ahm up.
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