šŸˆ Scarbinsky: Forbes gives Saban too much power


I'm not sure Scarbinsky understands the difference between power and success.

Parhaps all that zit cream he used as a teenager dried up his brain!

If Saban truly were the most powerful coach in all of sports, would he have to hire the Pacific Institute to brainwash, I mean, mentally condition his players with daily affirmations like, "I am a bad man"?

Wouldn't it be cheaper to bus down and watch Auburn practice? You know, to fully grasp the concept by the face mask.

That's power where it counts. Right in the mouth.

Scabs basically ignored the entire premise of the Forbes article, and took off on his usual anti Saban, anti Alabama diatribe.
I thought about writing him an email to tell him what I thought about his article, but I think these writers relish in getting angry emails from readers. In fact, the article is so full of bias and spit, there's no good way to address any of the points he made. Like y'all said, he's not even grasping the point of the article.

He is the Aubiest Aubie in all of Aubieland.

How Aubie of him to pull an Aubie and miss the point to instead write Aubie propaganda.

Oh and I like how people like to counter the point by mentioning the success of Pete Carroll and Bill Belichek and not mention how the article itself addresses why that isnt the case. (looking at College Football on ESPN too)

moreno_iv said:
I thought about writing him an email to tell him what I thought about his article, but I think these writers relish in getting angry emails from readers. In fact, the article is so full of bias and spit, there's no good way to address any of the points he made. Like y'all said, he's not even grasping the point of the article.


You nailed it.
joeman546 said:
He is the Aubiest Aubie in all of Aubieland.

How Aubie of him to pull an Aubie and miss the point to instead write Aubie propaganda.

Oh and I like how people like to counter the point by mentioning the success of Pete Carroll and Bill Belichek and not mention how the article itself addresses why that isnt the case. (looking at College Football on ESPN too)


LOL! Nice! :lol:
porkchop said:
joeman546 said:
He is the Aubiest Aubie in all of Aubieland.

How Aubie of him to pull an Aubie and miss the point to instead write Aubie propaganda.

Oh and I like how people like to counter the point by mentioning the success of Pete Carroll and Bill Belichek and not mention how the article itself addresses why that isnt the case. (looking at College Football on ESPN too)


Yea, I LMAO as well :lol:

LOL! Nice! :lol:
That wasn't bias at all. :roll: It's obvious that he has a personal vendetta for Coach Saban still. I can't even get mad at that sorry excuse for a article, it's pitiful how influenced his writings are. As a writer you're never suppose to let your feelings get the best of you, especially if you have to use horrible statistics like that. It's his first year for crying out loud, and you wonder why so many writers are laughable. I guess he still holds resentment on Coach Saban because of how he 'treats' the media.
"Too much power" ?? Power is taken not given. Of course I wouldn't expect Kevin Scarbinsky to know about things like that. He's been sucking on the hind tit for years.

Ignore him and hopefully he'll go away with the rest of the garbage that is in the Alabama media. Self serving parasites.

Thanks for the link.
i know scab has it out for coach saban, but why? did something happen between the two or is he just mad because of the way coach saban (supposedly) treats the media?

what a bag o' dousche :roll:

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