🏈 Say Something Good About Georgia (The State Not The Team)

Got an aunt and uncle that live in Buford. I used to go to Six Flags a lot in the 70’s and 80’s.
I lived in Roswell in the summers in the '80's...hit Six Flags A LOT.

But ONLY when it was raining. My brother and I used to hit that park based on the weather forecast. Rain? No lines. We rode the "Scream Machine" time after time after time...with no wait.
If I could pick a place to live on acreage, I would pick either Clay or Randolph counties.
We would go into the county square because they had a seafood buffet there. Decent frog legs. I was struck by a visual one spring day when we drove past a very large, muscular black man in overalls plowing a field (acre or so) with a mule and plow. My family was amazed and I felt like I had been transported to a time when my dad spoke about in his youth. He was born in ‘28.
Sweetwater State Park. "The ruins" offer a glimpse back into history. As my wife (then girlfriend) said, " It's so wild that I am looking at burn patterns from the civil War." To which I replied, " It's also wild that I, as a fire investigator, have a girlfriend who knows how to properly use the term 'burn patterns' in a sentence"sweetwater-creek-state-park-1248228468-2621e519f9674038a46e38ef49c318da.jpg
Fried Onion Ring made of Valdalias are some count.
As I said, I lived in Glennsville, Ga. It was close to Vidalia that it could call their sweet onions Vidalia. I could walk out my back door and pull some up to eat! The thing is I don't like any type of sweet onions. By the way, I watch Sterling Sharpe play football in Glennsville High, maybe his brother Shannon in midget football just wasn't the team I help coach. Both live with their grandparent we live across the street from them.
Worse, I don't really remember them, but my wife did because, she had worked with one of their cousins at a nursing home.
I was shocked at the amount of Auburn fans I saw when living in Tuscaloosa.

There’s a good many. But when I lived in auburn, there was a good amount of Bama fans there, especially in Opelika. I think it’s just the way it is… some of them just pull for the other team to be different when they’re young then end up sticking with them over time. At least that’s been my perspective of it on both ends.
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