| FTBL Saban was in a minor car accident Sat night...

crimsontradition14 said:
Wow, how did he hit a tree like that. Wouldn't he have seen it.

I almost did the exact same thing a few nights ago (in Tuscaloosa). I had to slam on the breaks. When it is raining at night, they can be hard to see when you don't expect them to be there.
Hey there is a fund raiser. Drag that tree out on the quad and charge people to whack away on it with an axe. Or, burning during Homecoming next year.

That'll learn it. :lol:
McTider said:
was alcohol involved?
Smells like an AU plot to covertly plant the aforementioned log into the impeding Mercedes once the word leaked that said Coach had left an undisclosed event where allegedly an AU operative somehow slipped an alcohol based concoction (i.e. Mickey) into the Coach, relative to his feelings of no pain no gain and called a time out believing his wife was having a mood change relative to their holiday cheer... Upon further review however, the AU administration was called to the prefecture's office late at night for questioning about this incident.
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