| FTBL Prothro Update


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http://rollcrimsontide.com/Tyrone Prothro.html

Listen to the soundbyte near the bottom, apparently hes going for an 08 finale.

EDIT: I guess Id like to share something about injuries and conditions (I have some experience). And it can be summed up by what my uncle(Who is a doctor in Florence) told me once.

That is that doctors and other people tend to look at the statistics, and not the person. I think its intelligent and even reasonable not to get hopes up, but if he wants to play again, it needs to be encouraged. So I am going to be passively hopeful

That is to be hopeful that it does happen and not dissappointed if it doesn't.
Last that I heard he would have trouble walking, let alone playing football again. Him playing rec. ball in itself is a testament to Tyrone's ambition and work ethic. This kid is definitely an exception to the rule. You think if he stepped onto the field in uniform, Bryant Denny would go bezerk? Gives me goose bumps thinking about it.
You have no idea how much I admire and appreciate Tyrone Prothro's contributions to Bama football. I do not believe it is at all realistic to expect him to make any kind of comeback, symbolic or not.
That said, I've been wrong before, and I'll be wrong again.
Prothro is the true example of an Alabama player. He was a stud on the field, off the field, and has the heart of a champion and then some. I truly admire #4 and he will never be forgotten, not only in the hearts of BAMA fans, but anyone who saw his amazing catch vs. USM.
BamaFan425 said:
Prothro is the true example of an Alabama player. He was a stud on the field, off the field, and has the heart of a champion and then some. I truly admire #4 and he will never be forgotten, not only in the hearts of BAMA fans, but anyone who saw his amazing catch vs. USM.

Very well said BAMA!!
LBS said:
Did that guy say Prothro Benched 400LBS and squatted 600LBS?
For an athlete like Prothro, that's not hard to believe. Shorter guys have an easier time than taller guys because they have more muscle packed into a smaller area and have a shorter distance to move the weight.
I heard Saban makes like 4 mil a year.
bamaupsman said:
I heard Saban makes like 4 mil a year.

I'm pretty sure you're wrong there. I think he makes 4 million dollars a year.

Prothro is amazing. I cannot believe that he has recovered so well after so much. I really would like to see him on the field again and I'll be praying that he still has the tools to do well.

Prothro is Alabama Football.
Todd graduated from Cleburne County (Heflin) HS one year ahead of Tyrone. They have known each other all their lives and played football and basketball together all through school. I believe that they are distant cousins (3rd maybe) as well.

Over the Christmas/New Year’s holiday, they were home and were both at the Rec. Center in Heflin playing some pretty intense games of basketball with family and friends. My understanding is that in addition to rehabbing his leg injury, Tyrone also kicked it up more than a few notches to bulk up his upper body as well.

As an aside, watching this kid play football for most of his life, I have often wondered how he would develop under the instruction of a coach like Saban. His mother will be the first to sit him down and really get in his face about health and his safety if there is any question about it.

I truly want to see this kid in crimson on the field again, but I want him to be safe and healthy above all. My opinion (FWIW) he is a fighter and is very determined. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that he has been successful. As always, keep him in your prayers.
HeflinLady said:
Todd graduated from Cleburne County (Heflin) HS one year ahead of Tyrone. They have known each other all their lives and played football and basketball together all through school. I believe that they are distant cousins (3rd maybe) as well.

Over the Christmas/New Year’s holiday, they were home and were both at the Rec. Center in Heflin playing some pretty intense games of basketball with family and friends. My understanding is that in addition to rehabbing his leg injury, Tyrone also kicked it up more than a few notches to bulk up his upper body as well.

As an aside, watching this kid play football for most of his life, I have often wondered how he would develop under the instruction of a coach like Saban. His mother will be the first to sit him down and really get in his face about health and his safety if there is any question about it.

I truly want to see this kid in crimson on the field again, but I want him to be safe and healthy above all. My opinion (FWIW) he is a fighter and is very determined. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that he has been successful. As always, keep him in your prayers.

Boy, I really hope he gets to play. Evne if it's one game. That way he can say he made the comeback!
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