| CURRENT EVENTS presidential candidates must now be safe space counseling to their fragile, snowflake base having a mental break.

"and we're going to take on the people who are just failing to have courage"

who the hell is she talking about, there? the ones who don't have courage are the snowflakes. and she's going to take them on?

Same party that scream about cultural appropriation but has a woman who faked being Native American for most of her life. Same party that screams about Impeachment over the Ukraine thing when there is a fully documented speech where Biden admits to threatening to withhold aid to the Ukraine if they did not fire their prosecutor and stop investigating his son. Same party that has a person whose wife ran a college into the ground by giving out money to friends and family (and who owns multiple expensive homes) run on a platform of free stuff and a stop to corruption. And the same party that has a woman who fought to keep people in jail even after it was proven the lab faked results and yet the party wants to run on a pro-criminal platform.
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