| FTBL Prayer request...

Sgt. Lincoln Osiris

Lead farmer
As most of you have noticed, I've been fairly absent this football season. My mental energy has just been focused on issues, that I'd rather remain unspoken publicly, that I'm needing prayer for. Like a serious miracle. I know God is able, but I just need some folks to help me believe (2 or 3 agreeing kinda thing from scripture).

I've also been trying to turn my heart back toward God's direction within this time, and I and my family just really need your prayers.

Thanks in advance, guys.

Love every one of you, and Roll Tide.
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God restores. He is able. Nothing is impossible for Him. And He cares about the details of your life. I pray that your heart and mind stays turned toward the Lord, and you surround yourself with those who do likewise. Peace
Prayers to you Sarge and your family! Hang in there! You got a great support system as evidenced by the prayers and words of encouragement above! Let us know how we can help. We probably know somebody who can help if we can’t personally.
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