Pics from bow hunting this weekend


The Rowdy One
We didnt get anything thisd time but we had fun






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Lance, Is that Donny's brother in the Chevy hat?

Also where exactly is the Haul-a-doe Inn located. I joined a club down in Forkland and if memory serves me correct, I'm not too far from Doemasters.
If I'm ever down at my parents during hunting season again, I will invite y'all to their farm. Hunt in the early morning, football in the afternoon. Sound about right?

My BIL and sister are big hunters - y'all would all have a lot to talk about.

Oh, and gorgeous photos, as always. *jealous*
Wendy, you name it and we are there....

I go by Greentrack on the way down. Turn in front of the Eutaw Bait and tackle and hit 43. Go 14 miles and turn on Long Chapel Road in Forkland.

I have been 3 times and seen nothing other than jumping deer going in and coming out. New club and trying to learn my way around and pattern stuff. Bulk of everything is hardwoods, so the deer can basically graze without having to search for food. Yesterday I thought I was in a hail storm with all the acorns falling. Once all the leaves get off the trees I would imagine the 30.06 will go to making some noise.
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