| FTBL Phony won't leave

Forgive us Fran, we should be more sensitive...

"I think sometimes when you're in this role, some people forget you're a human being," Franchione said, later adding, "I do have feelings and I am sensitive and everybody needs to know that."

You've got to be kidding me! You just get caught selling information and possibly breaking the law with releasing medical information and you want us to remember you have feelings. :shock: Unbelievable. :roll:
I wish I still had a few of those Franchoine bobble head dolls left over from the year he left us :twisted:
"I love this job. I love these players. I love this university," Franchione said, "and my desire is to remain here and elevate this program to the highest level."

Now, where have we heard that before? :shock: :roll:
Here's my favorite quote....

"I want to reinforce to members of the media and to our outstanding Aggie fans, I will not discuss matters pertaining to head coaches during their seasons," the statement said. Byrne said he looks forward to "working with Coach Fran as our head football coach" as A&M prepares to play Oklahoma State.

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