Its ridiculous that some of you are happy about this, It makes you look classless . So some disgruntled booster from 7 years ago is gonna do what? Make a media circus and do nothing but cause distractions for two great programs. The last thing either bama or tn needs is negative press.
The subpoena was issued in a case where a
private citizen was slandered by another
private organization and is doing the only possible thing he can do to see a redress - file a civil suit.
This private citizen believes, correctly in my and most any other person with any knowledge of the events, that your football coach has intimate knowledge of the genesis and development of the case against him by the NCAA. This private citizen merely wants your coach to tell the court what he knows - and supposedly told the NCAA in private and under the cloak of secrecy.
You have a problem with the truth coming out why exactly? Hey, this 'truth' may further prove that UA was dirty and deserved the scorn and ridicule and punishment she received. And, I, a UA alum and fan would welcome that truth too.
If Fulmer told the truth truthfully, then we will all be better off knowing who did what when and to whom. If, however, Fulmer fabricated events and told a series of lies, either individually or as part of a conspiracy, then we will all be better off knowing that too would we not? Well, I admit it is possible that Fulmer, and the NCAA, and the UT program might not be 'better off' if we learn that he lied or provided his information in exchange for leniency for rules violations committed by him and UT.
The truth shall set you free it is said. Is it classless that some here at long last applaud efforts to compel your coach to tell his story in open court - efforts I shall remind you made necessary by the history of your coach to do anything possible to avoid telling the truth?