| FTBL Oh, you meant THAT subpoena! My bad.

I don't care for him, but there is some truth in what he said... in terms of the lawyer's trying to make a big circus out of it. I know why they did it they way they did it, but I would have preferred for them to do it at another venue or in a more discreet manner.
Porter said:
Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
according to law, where else could they have done it?

At the airport or they could have just done it discretely at the hotel without alerting the media and making a circus out of it.

I can see it now.

A knock at the door of Phatimus' room.

Phatty "Who's there?"

"Coach Phulmer, the hotel wanted you to have two dozen Krispy Kreme as a gift from management."

Door opens quickly.

"And by the way, we have this subpoena for you."
psychojoe said:
Porter said:
Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
according to law, where else could they have done it?

At the airport or they could have just done it discretely at the hotel without alerting the media and making a circus out of it.

I can see it now.

A knock at the door of Phatimus' room.

Phatty "Who's there?"

"Coach Phulmer, the hotel wanted you to have two dozen Krispy Kreme as a gift from management."

Door opens quickly.

"And by the way, we have this subpoena for you."

This post for the WIN!
I understand not interfearing with SEC media days but...
As far as Fulmer,he's not shown much character (as far as I'm concerned)so I think a little embarassment won't hurt his ego. He put himself in a situation several years ago and time has a way of bringing things full circle. It's just taking a little longer in his case for the situation to be completed. It's his fault he's being served.
psychojoe said:
Porter said:
Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
according to law, where else could they have done it?

At the airport or they could have just done it discretely at the hotel without alerting the media and making a circus out of it.

I can see it now.

A knock at the door of Phatimus' room.

Phatty "Who's there?"

"Coach Phulmer, the hotel wanted you to have two dozen Krispy Kreme as a gift from management."

Door opens quickly.

"And by the way, we have this subpoena for you."
:lol: :lol: best post evAr
When is all this crap going to be over? It is making the University look bad even though they have nothing to do with this lawsuit. Media days should not have been the place to do this. :roll:

Dont get me wrong I think it is a little funny.
Porter said:
Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
according to law, where else could they have done it?

At the airport or they could have just done it discretely at the hotel without alerting the media and making a circus out of it.

I agree. This looks like a bunch of Shysters just trying to make a name for themselves.
psychojoe said:
Porter said:
Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
according to law, where else could they have done it?

At the airport or they could have just done it discretely at the hotel without alerting the media and making a circus out of it.

I can see it now.

A knock at the door of Phatimus' room.

Phatty "Who's there?"

"Coach Phulmer, the hotel wanted you to have two dozen Krispy Kreme as a gift from management."

Door opens quickly.

"And by the way, we have this subpoena for you."

That isn't far from the truth at times. When folks don't want to be served, others come up with some pretty clever ways to get the papers in their hands. I had to serve papers during an internship, and they were all to people who did their best not to served. Most times, it was a cat and mouse game to get them served, and the above scenario is very close to the kinds of things we'd do. :lol:
Porter said:
psychojoe said:
Porter said:
Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
according to law, where else could they have done it?

At the airport or they could have just done it discretely at the hotel without alerting the media and making a circus out of it.

I can see it now.

A knock at the door of Phatimus' room.

Phatty "Who's there?"

"Coach Phulmer, the hotel wanted you to have two dozen Krispy Kreme as a gift from management."

Door opens quickly.

"And by the way, we have this subpoena for you."

That isn't far from the truth at times. When folks don't want to be served, others come up with some pretty clever ways to get the papers in their hands. I had to serve papers during an internship, and they were all to people who did their best not to served (the sheriff's Dept couldn't get them served). Most times, it was a cat and mouse game to get them served, and the above scenario is very close to the kinds of things we'd do. :lol:

I know a guy who worked as a process server. He said they had one guy they could never get. After careful observation, they found he ordered a pizza from Dominoes every Saturday Night. So they hung out at Dominoes, when he placed his order, this guy delivered the pizza, and the papers. :lol:
kudzu said:
I understand not interfearing with SEC media days but...
As far as Fulmer,he's not shown much character (as far as I'm concerned)so I think a little embarassment won't hurt his ego. He put himself in a situation several years ago and time has a way of bringing things full circle. It's just taking a little longer in his case for the situation to be completed. It's his fault he's being served.

I feel you on all of that, but it took away from the attention that the teams got yesterday, including Alabama. Every news outlet in B'ham led with the Fulmer crap, then spent even less time talking about Alabama. That is exactly what Smith's lawyers wanted to happen (they were even handing out copies of the subpoena to the press, otherwise nobody would have known), as that is the only time they will get to stick it to him... but I'd have much rather seen football be the lead story, not the fact that Phil was handed court papers.
I wish it would stay out of Media days also, but this last statement from Coach Fulmer pisses me off....

It's sad that a few publicity hunting lawyers in one of our sister states want to keep open a chapter of history that has long since been closed and as far as I'm concerned will stay closed. Obviously this is an effort to distract our football team or distract me in some way. The last time this happened we won the division with two freshman quarterbacks. We won't be distracted I had a good conversation with the commissioner about it.

What the hell does Bama have to do with this crap? Implying that the last time this happened his team went all world? It's not about UT or the Athletes Dumb Ass, it's about you, Coach Fulmer. Fulmer has always ticked me off and always will, when they get rid of that blob I will start enjoying the UT/Bama game more.
I was really glad to see the terms of his contract extension publicized. As long as he wins 8 per year he gets a year added on to the end of his contract. Four non conference cream puffs plus Vanderbilt, Kentucky and another one out of the blue, plus a victory over Bubba's School of Cosmetology and Auto Repair in the Fruit Loops bowl will keep him around a long time. He hasn't had a good recruiting class in a while, and this will start to show very soon. There are some Vile fans who are getting unhappy. I was lurking on gridscape after the shouting was done on national signing day and saw a post that said, after they'd struck out on all the top recruits, "Its like being in a bar at closing time and all that's left are the ugly chicks". I hope he stays there a long time, as it looks like the table is being set for a lot of sweet revenge.
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