Oh da pain


The Rowdy One
Last night on my way home i stopped by Chick Fil A and with my order i had a Sundae, when i was driving off there was no spoon to be found :bandhead: and by the time i made it home it had melted away. The way i look at it is i must have not needed it anyway :blahblah:
Oh god. I am so sorry. I always FORGET my spoon or straw when I order ice cream or a shake from them (I go there more often than I care to admit ..), I dunno why, I guess I am just so happy to have my food and go run and eat it ..

I have 2 coupons for free sandwiches in my bag .. Need to use them ASAP .. and get some delicious fries .. and an Oreo milkshake .. I LOVE THAT CHAIN. So so much.
i think i will go into the store and grab a handful of spoons and let them know the pain i was in watching that Hot Fudge Sundae melt away to nothing, I might be traumatized for life
I'll tell you a story that's messed up, Lance.

Have you seen, or used, the app from the Weather Channel on your phone? I've got it and tend to play with their mPoints. (tens of thousands of those...what to spend them on...different thread.)

So, I'm out biking the other day and stop for a second when I see some clouds rolling in. I pull up the app to take a look at the radar to see if I should continue or start heading home. There's a function for you to check into places with the mPoints—it's like 10 points a pop and you don't have to be there, so to speak, just close enough—and I notice it's telling me "I'm at Chick Fil A."

There's one in the student center of a University about a half of a mile from the house...had NO idea it was even there!! What makes that sad is I KNOW I've driven three miles to get to what I thought was the closest one...when I could have walked there in a quarter of the time.

Just curious...you planned on eating the Sundae on the way home? What would your mother say?!?! :shock:
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