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I was just reading the thread where CAD was being CAD. I have been around for a long time, way back to tidesprots and i have no clue what he was talking about.
Same here.

I've honestly never had a problem with CAD, never fought with him, and most of the time don't read his posts just because they're so damn long.

But I'll say, that was a total bitch move with what he posted.
Same here.

I've honestly never had a problem with CAD, never fought with him, and most of the time don't read his posts just because they're so damn long.

But I'll say, that was a total bitch move with what he posted.

Yeah. I dont think he got banned from the site. He left on his own because he lost a bet.
Yeah. I dont think he got banned from the site. He left on his own because he lost a bet.
I mean him starting shit with Terry, here, about this temporary move of Woolly, and the guys in consists of, and supposedly what they did or tried to do in the past.

Again, I don't know what he's talking about. Just seemed like a desperate, bitch move.
I mean him starting shit with Terry, here, about this temporary move of Woolly, and the guys in consists of, and supposedly what they did or tried to do in the past.

Again, I don't know what he's talking about. Just seemed like a desperate, bitch move.

What are you talking about? Link?
Who are all these new posters? Hi, Terry, remember me? I was a regular over at WoollyAl for a few years and was the most popular poster there. They all loved me and looked up to me for message-board guidance and to give them new ways of looking at things. They banned me for being too intelligent and too handsome but, I understood. They can be a rowdy bunch, watch 'em closely. All in all, though a bit incestuous and clannish, they are a good bunch.

Oh yeah, remember way, way back before this board was created and you had just joined an aggregate board as a moderator that some Arkansas guy was running? Was it SECTalk? I can't remember, honestly. It was SEC something.

Anyway, you quoted something that some idiot on TideSports had written and apparently didn't give attribution for it immediately. After that, a bunch of posters from TideSports infiltrated the board and started attacking you and threatening you and calling the the home of the Arkansas guy who hosted the site, harassing his wife, and were threatening him with shutting his site down by contacting all his sponsors.

No matter how many times you stated that it was just an honest mistake, you weren't trying to take credit for his work, they just wouldn't relent. The host of the site had to draw up some legal paperwork of some type, I don't know if was real or not, and threaten them with a lawsuit if they didn't quit harassing him 24/7.

After that, they fled back to TideSports, actually believing the guy was going to sue them. You and I followed them back to TideSports and trolled the shit out of them for a couple of days after that. It was so funny watching them have these long threads, thread after thread, on TideSports crying about whether or not they would really be sued, was it possible, they had families, they were just joking, was it real, etc...

These WoollyAl refugees are those same horrible people, the very same ones. Funny how things come around isn't it? Now here you are allowing them to squat on your site for a bit. That takes a big heart, especially after they maliciously ruined your friends site, and you are to be commended for it.
I just bet 50k on the bama-wisconsin game.

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