Odd Question/Favor

This is going to come as an odd question, but I need help!

My wife and I have been married for 6 years and we have talked about renewing our vows because we went through a lengthy separation almost divorce and have decided it would be good to renew our vows to signal a new journey for us.

I have about as much romance in me as a turnip, so my question/favor is I need some really good romantic ideas on how propose. My wife has no clue I'm going to do this, the last we had talked about was waiting for 12-18 months.

We have plans to go to Denver for a week (our first vacation without having one or both of our kids with us) and I have a plan to use one day to romance her and then propose to her.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
As a gal I feel it is my duty to step in here haha :icon_lol:

I am glad your relationship is back on track! Hope you have a great time in Denver with your wife.

Some ideas I have heard through the years that worked well ..

- Taking her to a beautiful location: on top of a mountain, infront of a waterfall, whatever floats your boat, and popping the question.
- Tricking her: say "hold up, I gotta tie my shoe" .. get down on one knee .. catch her off guard, and pop the question.
- When the moment feels right: for example, on "The Office", Jim proposed to Pam at a gas station in Pennsylvania between their offices. It was pouring rain and they agreed to meet halfway between to talk, and he didn't speak, just got down on one knee right then and there.
- Over a romantic dinner: candlelight works wonders, maybe some wine (or whatever her drink choice is), her favorite food, etc.
- Heck, one guy I know proposed in a really elaborate parade thing .. He is a Mummer (a Philadelphia tradition) and during the parade, he got the string band to play 'their' song, then approached her in the crowd.
- Another guy baked it into her favorite pie, and cut her a slice with it in there (it was clearly on top, not baked completely in), and while she almost ate it, it wooed her lol.

The key is being thoughtful. She needs to know you thought it through and wanted it to be something she would not only remember but something that makes her feel special, unique, loved, and appreciated. Make sure you tell her all of these things. You don't have to pour your soul out and be a corny dweeb, but tell her exactly how you feel: is she the most beautiful woman you've ever seen? Do you love her smile, her laugh, her hair, her bad jokes, her cooking? Do you love waking up next to her every morning? It's the little things. You don't need to make grand proclamations of love, just be honest and genuine and speak from the heart. I know as a guy that can sound tough but just be straight up! :pinkbiggrin:

For me, my dream proposal would be at a Phillies game, or in Disney World or something haha. Even at my favorite sushi joint, or milkshake place. It would be about being somewhere I really enjoy. Think about what she likes or enjoys, and try to play off that. Does she like hiking? Climb a mountain outside Denver and ask her at the summit. Does she like animals? Hit up the zoo, and when you can find a beautiful place (maybe a lake with birds or something), or an animal she loves, go for it. Does she like beer? Take her to the highest rated craft brewery in the area, and propose over a toast to your union.

Every one is different, you just gotta play off what she likes or enjoys doing, and it automatically makes the situation a tender one for her. You really can't go wrong as long as you put some thought into it! She will appreciate the effort and alone time :tickled_pink:

Let us know how it goes, I hope you guys have a wonderful time! Good luck!! :twothumbs:
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