| FTBL Not wishing LSU the best...


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I don't mean to sound like a poor loser. I can respect the fact that LSU won, and I have no problem giving them credit for that, but I am not ready to wish them well and hope for a MNC for them and the SEC.

1. LSU winning out does not do one positive thing for Alabama. It only makes them harder to recruit against, and we often go head to head in the very important Mobile area.

2. Who cares about the rest of the SEC? Really? How many fans of other schools sit in anticipation hoping that Alabama will lose or get in some kind of NCAA trouble? Alabama put this friggin conference on the map, and all that most of them pray for is a weakened Tide. I will never cheer for another SEC team unless they are playing Notre Dame.

3. Some people have said, "You know we could use that share of the MNC money." No, we don't need our paltry little allowance from another team's victory. We are not Vandy, Miss. State, Ole Miss, or another school that runs in the red.

I am sorry, but I can just never cheer for another SEC team anymore. There was a time, not so long ago, when I would have wished only the best for our Southern brethern, but no more. Since the NCAA crap, Alabama has been their punching bag. They still spew their hatred for having been handed their butts for so many years. Screw em! Roll Tide! and that's enough for me! If I want to cheer for anyone else, I'll cheer for Oklahoma.
Have to disagree a bit. Living in Fl St territory I have to defend the SEC to ACC fans. Not so much in the past couple years, but enough that I want other SEC teams to do well against other conferences.
Honestly, how well would it look if LSU lost to App St and then went on to win the SEC?
Well FRIG!! Possum and I agree on something :shock:

Ive never understood the whole cheer for the conference crap. Heck conference teams are the ones I enjoy seeing lose! If it aint Bama screw the SEC!
I disagree wholeheartedly. I certainly wanted to beat them, but since we didn't, I hope they win the NC, and show Ohio State once again that the SEC is the best there is.
I know I'm coming at it from the opposite side of the fence, but I always pull for the SEC team once LSU is out of it. I pulled for Bama against Miami in 1992, and all through the 70's with the great Bryant teams. In 2001 I remember how great it was when the SEC kicked the snot out of the big 10 in three big bowls. I pulled for the Gayters last year against Ohio State, and I HATE Florida. So to each his own, but once bowl season hits, I'm an SEC fan all the way.
Bamapossum said:
I don't mean to sound like a poor loser. I can respect the fact that LSU won, and I have no problem giving them credit for that, but I am not ready to wish them well and hope for a MNC for them and the SEC.

1. LSU winning out does not do one positive thing for Alabama. It only makes them harder to recruit against, and we often go head to head in the very important Mobile area.

2. Who cares about the rest of the SEC? Really? How many fans of other schools sit in anticipation hoping that Alabama will lose or get in some kind of NCAA trouble? Alabama put this friggin conference on the map, and all that most of them pray for is a weakened Tide. I will never cheer for another SEC team unless they are playing Notre Dame.

3. Some people have said, "You know we could use that share of the MNC money." No, we don't need our paltry little allowance from another team's victory. We are not Vandy, Miss. State, Ole Miss, or another school that runs in the red.

I am sorry, but I can just never cheer for another SEC team anymore. There was a time, not so long ago, when I would have wished only the best for our Southern brethern, but no more. Since the NCAA crap, Alabama has been their punching bag. They still spew their hatred for having been handed their butts for so many years. Screw em! Roll Tide! and that's enough for me! If I want to cheer for anyone else, I'll cheer for Oklahoma.

I couldn't agree more. ;sal
Even as much as I hate Miles and Tubberville, I still gotta support my conference. :?

I'll bring ya'll up to Ohio and you can listen to these insane buck-nuts that have played NO ONE..and still claim our conference is overated.

So personally I can't wait for those tigers to take care of these stupid buckeyes.
I just have to know. Those of you that support the conference, is it a matter of you being "the bigger person" or are you completely unaware of the hate most every SEC team has for us?

The only SEC teams I would even think of pulling for are USC and Vandy. For USC I'm not really pulling for them as much as I am Spurrier. As for vandy, my old doctor was a football player and the best Doc I've ever had. Something encouraging to me about Docs and Lawyers playing Div.I football.
It's like this for me. I hate everyone besides Alabama. I hate them with every morsel of my being. I hate them almost to the point of desiring personal injury to other fans and other players....almost.

That said there are varying degrees of hate. For instance, I hate the team we are playing on the current weekend over other teams simply because that is whom we are playing at the time.

Above all teams I hate AubRun, UT and LSU. Then comes the standard out of conference teams like So Cal and Notre Lame.

With my vitriol towards all teams it affords me the chance to still wish that the SEC beats other out of conference teams simply because I was born and raised in the south. I dont care if the other SEC teams hate Alabama. The feeling is mutual. I consider football to be better in the South. The South has proved that over and over again but as soon as we have a "down" year, the media will hate on all of us again and attempt to marginalize us again. They have done this since Alabama first went to the Rose bowl. So in that respect I root for the SEC as a whole.

I must admit one exception. I have just never been able to root for Tennessee ever. I hate AubRun more which is the odd thing...but I do tend to root for Auburn out of conference even though I am almost as happy to see AU loose.

Just my thoughts.
Let me ask this. Do any of you ever find yourselves saying "go tigers!" during these OOC games? I can maybe understand watching the game and wanting the OOC team to lose. Please tell me you guys never clap or yell or jump up in response to Tigers, Gators or viles?
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