| CURRENT EVENTS Nick Saban's a Gutless Coward??

bama alum

What a load of crap! I was one of the thousands and thousands of Republicans who crossed over and/or didn't vote for Moore. #NoMoore Still, it's ridiculous to think because he's the highest paid public employee in Alabama that he's required to speak out about irrelevant matters to the UA football team. This whack-a-doodle in New York thinks, otherwise.

(In case you have ten minutes to waste reading it (half that time includes the inevitable dry heaves), I copied and pasted the read. I quit reading after the first paragraph.)

Nick Saban is a clueless coward for his silence on Roy Moore

Nick Saban is a clueless, gutless, selfish coward for his silence on Roy Moore

The words in this title to describe Alabama head coach Nick Saban are not hyperbole.
They are written precisely as intended when America’s highest paid public employee of great mass influence can’t render public opinion on Roy Moore.
Nick Saban is not just any coach or employee. At over $11 million a year, he makes more money than all U.S. workers employed by a local or state government. He is a public servant who works at a public university as an alleged leader of college “students.”
By remaining silent on the numerous allegations that Roy Moore was a pedophile, Nick Saban showed he does not care about the plight or protection of young women and girls.
Those incomparable facts come with great public responsibility.
SEE IT: Stephen Colbert takes shots at Roy Moore in parody song
The lead-up to Roy Moore and Doug Jones' election Tuesday should have been Saban’s shining career moment to show true leadership and humanity.
By remaining silent on the numerous allegations that Moore was a pedophile, Saban showed he does not care about the plight or protection of young women and girls.
By remaining silent on Moore’s romanticization of slavery, Saban showed he does not care about the plight or opinions of so many young black men who produce his unearned salary.

In case Saban missed it, Moore, when asked when America was last great, said: “I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another. Our families were strong, our country had a direction.”
Roy Moore refuses to concede one day after failed Senate bid
In a tweet, Journalist Clint Smith assisted with some corrective history:
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Again, the article title is deliberate. Let’s begin with the first word:
Do you remember what you were doing on Election Day last year? Any recollection at all?
Because Nick Saban was actually unaware it was Election Day.
Jones' win over Moore: a victory of decency over slime, and Trump
“To be honest with you, I didn’t even know yesterday was Election Day,”said Saban. “So, [the upcoming game] wasso important to me that I didn’t even know it was happening. We’re focused on other things here.”
If this were just a personal failing, Saban’s cluelessness would still be astonishing.
But as a taxpayer-funded influential leader of over 100 “student-athletes,” it is doubly amazing that Saban would not encourage civic participation with his own players on Election Day.
Many college coaches strongly do this with their players, some coaches even mandate voting, and, despite being NFL pros, the Miami Dolphins, a team once coached by Saban, recently achieved its goal of 100% voter registration of its players.
Republicans seek to cut ties with Bannon after Roy Moore loss
Saban’s election day amnesia is even more problematic when considering he and Auburn coach Gus Malzahn issued voter registration PSA’s in 2015 that were regularly played to fans at Alabama and Auburn stadium Jumbotrons. The PSAs were also accompanied by Saban posters that read: "What do you mean you're not registered to vote?!"
At the time, Saban and Malzhan were successfully recruited by Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill.
Tuesday was the biggest Alabama Championship Game of Nick Saban's life and he never even took the field.
Merrill’s promotional efforts ($349,000 taxpayer cost) came shortly after the closure of 31 driver's license offices in rural, mostly black areas, and a month after the U.S. Department of Justice sent a letter to the Alabama Attorney General warning Alabama had failed to comply with the National Voter Registration Act for the past 22 years.
For the reasons above, Bernard Simelton, president of the Alabama’s NAACP, vehemently questioned andopposed Merrill’s brand new voter registration strategy. He also publicly confronted Merrill about the selective campaign itself, and why representatives from HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) like Alabama A&M University or Alabama State University, were not featured.
Write-in votes surge in Roy Moore's Alabama election loss
"You cannot go in here and promote Alabama and Auburn," said Simelton, "Where is A&M and ASU?”
Essentially, Merrill followed up structural black voter suppression by replacing it with targeted white voter promotion.
While Merrill publicly endorsed Roy Moore in 2017, a similar question should have been directed at Saban in 2016. Specifically:
“Nick, how could you issue state-wide PSAs and posters spread throughout your stadium and state, but forget to promote, or even REMEMBER, election day with your very own players?”
Doug Jones beats Roy Moore in tight Alabama Senate race
It’s beyond baffling.
“Clueless” is being kind.
In that same post-election-day speech, Saban said:
“I don’t really make political comments. So, if I say I like one person that means everybody who voted for the other person doesn’t like me. So, why would I do that?”
How Moore, Bannon gave Alabama Senate seat to Doug Jones
Because in 2016 Donald Trump was a pathologically-lying, p---y-grabbing, white-supremacy-spewing buffoon.
And in 2017 Roy Moore is an accused child molester who yearns for the good ole tight-knit family days of slavery.
Here else is why: Because it is not only about you.
Republicans will pay for backing an alleged child molester
You will be just fine. You make $11 million a year off unpaid labor, and The Nation’s Dave Zirin has run some numbers:
Nick Saban.
Zirin has argued that the easiest way to pay NCAA athletes is to “cap coaching salaries at scale of university professors. Instead, Saban makes 150K.”
College football has been called “The Shame of College Sports” by Taylor Branch, and “The New Plantation” by Billy Hawkins. Not only won’t the NCAA compensate its primary revenue-generators, but it also prohibits NCAA coaches from sharing their stolen millions with them.
Trump congratulates Doug Jones as Dems celebrate the stunning win
The only loophole is the NCAA places no such restrictions on Saban’s influential voice.
If NBA coaches like Gregg Popovich, Steve Kerr, or Stan Van Gundy can use their privileged status to promote justice, so can the far more influential Saban.
Without bank deposits to his players, it is the absolute least he could do.
Thankfully, 96% of Black Alabamians saved the day by voting against Moore, but it never should have come down to that. That likely includes nearly all Saban’s African-American players, and some white ones,too.
Roy Moore supporters called black congresswoman racial slurs
If not clear before, Saban’s players now know that he doesn’t care one single iota about black lives beyond their athletic capacity to make him successful and very wealthy.
Roy Moore when asked when America was last great said: “I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another. Our families were strong, our country had a direction."
Sadly, around 68% of white Alabamians voted for Moore. Assuming Saban did not follow suit, he has also shown he doesn’t care much about improving themoral state of Alabama’s white lives either. If he did, he could have used his influence and leadership to denounce Moore.Perhaps Roy Moore fans “buy Alabama football tickets, too.”
The only thing we know for certain is Saban’s silence was absolutely gutless.
After Trump’s election, Saban continued:
Most Americans think Roy Moore should be booted if he wins Senate
“I want what’s best for our country. I’m not sure I can figure that out. I want what’s best for people who want to improve the quality of their life… And I don’t think I’m qualified to determine who that should be.”
No. You don’t want what’s best for the country. You want what’s best for yourself.
No. You don’t care about the quality of life of your players. If you did, you would speak up.
No. You are not unqualified to render judgment on Trump or Moore. You are simply a selfish coward.
Judging older men accused by multiple women of preying on teenage girls does not require a Political Science Professor post at Alabama.
Dave Zirin@EdgeofSports
If every Alabama player was paid $50,000 a season out of Nick Saban's salary, he'd still make a BASE salary of 3 million bucks a year.
6:11 PM - Jan 11, 2016
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In fact, you are deemed so qualified by Alabama voters, many even gave you write-in votes for Senator. Local writer Nick Kruger recently reminded us: “It’s a long running joke that any football coach at Alabama, if they perform well, could run for political office and win.”
With your four national titles, only the legendary Paul “Bear” Bryant has more. The joke is real.
You have more mass influence than any other person in Alabama.
You are America’s highest paid public servant.
And your unearned wealth was created off the backs of black lives who abhor Roy Moore.
Tuesday was the biggest Alabama Championship Game of your entire life.
And you never even took the field.
I hate this whole "everyone has to have a public opinion about everything" bullshit. It is what drives people insane. He's a football coach, let him wax poetic on football stuff and keep quiet about everything else. If he had come out and said something unpopular (maybe support Moore or saying neither is any good) they would have complained that he is just a coach and should shut up about politics.
I hate this whole "everyone has to have a public opinion about everything" bullshit. It is what drives people insane. He's a football coach, let him wax poetic on football stuff and keep quiet about everything else. If he had come out and said something unpopular (maybe support Moore or saying neither is any good) they would have complained that he is just a coach and should shut up about politics.

Right! And that line he gave last year about not knowing about the election? CNS knew there was one; that was his way of dodging a subject he didn't need to get into.
Sh!t is ridiculous! This entire political atmosphere of harassment is a no win situation for everyone! You can't compliment someone without the fear of it being taken the wrong way. But its okay to swipe left or right to hookup with someone on Tinder for casual "interactions." H3ll, I avoid 99% of personal conversations a work because you never know who's going to take something I say the wrong way. As for Saban, he's a smart man to keep his mouth closed. He's not obligated to say anything as it would have likely been twisted and used as some political statement by a selfish a55hole trying to make a man for himself. But like any father, if anyone tried to harm his family, he would go full tilt...Saban style.
Sports folks talk politics and people say, stick to football. When they don't talk politics this happens.

Hell, a weather guy I follow in Dallas made a comment about Alabama and Roy Moore, all the sudden people were giving him shit telling him to stick to weather on his own damn social media account. Like damn, you're on my page assholes. GTFOH if you don't like my opinion. (He didn't say that, just my thought on the topic)

People just want to bitch all the time now...sad.
I hate this whole "everyone has to have a public opinion about everything" bullshit.
You are America’s highest paid public servant.
Which, in my opinion, is the exact reason he doesn't need to be commenting on elections.

From the Tuscaloosa News:

There’s an abundance of commentary these days about Alabama politics. For weeks, cable television news networks have filled countless hours of programming with experts telling us all about Roy Moore, Doug Jones, white people, black people, Alabama history and the role it all plays in statewide elections. The funny thing is that most of these people never heard of Jones until the last few months. Most have only vague memories of Moore because of his ridiculous charade involving the Ten Commandments way back in 2001.

All these experts sound so infallible when they tell us what white suburban moms in Birmingham think about some ridiculous statement Moore uttered a decade ago. But they don’t know the difference between Boaz and Andalusia and couldn’t point to Etowah County on a map. It made for remarkably entertaining viewing on election night if you happened to flip between the national broadcasts and local reporting. While national pundits spouted off rehearsed rhetoric divided along party line talking points, local newscasters were offering staggeringly accurate analysis of early rural returns that showed Moore out front. They knew the early rural returns showed a very close Moore lead that wouldn’t hold once the urban precincts started rolling in.

But in the cacophony of voices, one must be the loudest or most outlandish to attract web clicks. Thursday, some guy named Chuck Modiano won that battle. Modiano is a writer for the New York Daily News. Modiano apparently knows next to nothing about Alabama, its people or its politics. He knows even less about the role Alabama’s football coach plays in our culture.

Modiano wrote an article Thursday that will generate plenty of clicks. It will evoke emotion, but it misses its mark entirely if it was meant to inform or advance understanding of Jones’ remarkable victory.

The article is titled “Nick Saban is a clueless, gutless, selfish coward for his silence on Roy Moore.” He opens the article by stating “The words in this title to describe Alabama head coach Nick Saban are not hyperbole.”

Yes, Chuck, they are hyperbole. We don’t need or want Saban to tell us how to vote. We hold our football coaches to a very high standard, but we’re much more concerned with whether he’s going to play man-to-man or zone coverage against Clemson than who he thinks should be our senator. As a matter of fact, if he tried to tell us who to vote for, God help him if he loses a game. Thankfully, Saban knows this. He’s paid well to coach football. He isn’t paid to be our moral compass.

And before you pass this off as the local media defending the cherished coach who is above reproach, may we suggest you attend one of his weekly press conferences to see how chummy we all are with him.

Maybe it isn’t all the football fanatics who need a little better perspective. Perhaps it is you, Chuck. Decency won over political ideology in an election. Saban is a football coach. Football is a game.
Articles like this I think are just click bait. They write something to get a rise out of people. It is just garbage I tend to stay away from. This deserves to be in a tabloid,not in a sports column.
this guy's from/in new york? what the hell do they know about football?

and the only thing they care about politics is how many rights of the American people they can squash. that state is second only to kommiefornia in my "HATE" list.

this dude needs to shut the fuck up and go jump in the hudson for a swim.
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