| FTBL Nice read

Auburn recruiting update: Fifteen commitments, none are rated in the top 150 in the country, four are not rated, and none are ranked in the top 35 at their respective positions. That is exactly how it has been for the past four years. Unless you have the athletes on both sides of the ball you will not be successful, especially in the SEC. Just ask Al Borges.

Dee Finley, the Auburn High School safety committed to Florida. He is rated the No. 2 safety in the country. This is not taking care of your own backyard.

Funny how we have one of the best defenses in the nation with our poor recruiting we've had.

Dee Finley probably won't go anywhere due to grades and attitude problems. There are also reports that he wants to get out of Auburn due to personal issues.

Maybe in three to four years Auburn will be the worst in the SEC, of course maybe it will turn out CTT is just good at finding under-developed talent, who knows. I do know Notre Dame always gets a top class, and they are still terrible, so it ain't everything.
With that being said, I do agree that having a top 3 class can't hurt, I just don't think all this recruiting is a deal breaker. Of course that is coming from the guy whose team is ranked 30 something.
imatigerfan said:
Auburn recruiting update: Fifteen commitments, none are rated in the top 150 in the country, four are not rated, and none are ranked in the top 35 at their respective positions. That is exactly how it has been for the past four years. Unless you have the athletes on both sides of the ball you will not be successful, especially in the SEC. Just ask Al Borges.

Dee Finley, the Auburn High School safety committed to Florida. He is rated the No. 2 safety in the country. This is not taking care of your own backyard.

Funny how we have one of the best defenses in the nation with our poor recruiting we've had.

Dee Finley probably won't go anywhere due to grades and attitude problems. There are also reports that he wants to get out of Auburn due to personal issues.

Maybe in three to four years Auburn will be the worst in the SEC, of course maybe it will turn out CTT is just good at finding under-developed talent, who knows. I do know Notre Dame always gets a top class, and they are still terrible, so it ain't everything.
With that being said, I do agree that having a top 3 class can't hurt, I just don't think all this recruiting is a deal breaker. Of course that is coming from the guy whose team is ranked 30 something.


Great read Kudzu. ;tr
But...but...but...says the Auburnite...pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

Oh my bad. I forgot that if one sport's columnist writes it then it must come to pass. I mean how could I be so stupid? I mean of course he can predict who will be good in 2008 and which recruiting classes are going to be best before the kids even enroll. My bad guys.

And to think, this coming from the people who scorned the media as soon as they said a bad thing about Saban. Yet now everyone jumps on board.
imatigerfan said:
But...but...but...says the Auburnite...pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

Oh my bad. I forgot that if one sport's columnist writes it then it must come to pass. I mean how could I be so stupid? I mean of course he can predict who will be good in 2008 and which recruiting classes are going to be best before the kids even enroll. My bad guys.

And to think, this coming from the people who scorned the media as soon as they said a bad thing about Saban. Yet now everyone jumps on board.

You think Auburn's class will even come close to Bama's? Let's not play stupid, something is wrong in Auburn. Tubby hasn't had this bad of a class since he's got to Auburn, lets not make excuses...lord knows we know some of the best. Now either Tubby isn't doing something right or Coach Saban is doing just that good. Take your pick.
You think Auburn's class will even come close to Bama's? Let's not play stupid, something is wrong in Auburn. Tubby hasn't had this bad of a class since he's got to Auburn, lets not make excuses...lord knows we know some of the best. Now either Tubby isn't doing something right or Coach Saban is doing just that good. Take your pick.

I would pick Saban is doing a good job. There is no doubt that this is not Auburn's best year for recruitment. I just don't think this is necessarily the end all be all like some people seem to think.
imatigerfan said:
You think Auburn's class will even come close to Bama's? Let's not play stupid, something is wrong in Auburn. Tubby hasn't had this bad of a class since he's got to Auburn, lets not make excuses...lord knows we know some of the best. Now either Tubby isn't doing something right or Coach Saban is doing just that good. Take your pick.

I would pick Saban is doing a good job. There is no doubt that this is not Auburn's best year for recruitment. I just don't think this is necessarily the end all be all like some people seem to think.

Well of course there is still a lot of time left, but Auburn is in need of some improvement. Never know, Tubby might finish strong.
imatigerfan said:
You think Auburn's class will even come close to Bama's? Let's not play stupid, something is wrong in Auburn. Tubby hasn't had this bad of a class since he's got to Auburn, lets not make excuses...lord knows we know some of the best. Now either Tubby isn't doing something right or Coach Saban is doing just that good. Take your pick.

I would pick Saban is doing a good job. There is no doubt that this is not Auburn's best year for recruitment. I just don't think this is necessarily the end all be all like some people seem to think.

It's the end alright,the end of an uneven playing field. With the recruiting Saban is going to do in the next couple years we will have the talent we have been lacking for several years. No more easy years ahead for tubs. The heats about to be turned up in barnerland
It's the end alright,the end of an uneven playing field. With the recruiting Saban is going to do in the next couple years we will have the talent we have been lacking for several years. No more easy years ahead for tubs. The heats about to be turned up in barnerland

See here is your fundamental problem: You seem to think that a good recruiting class, that has the potential to be a good team talent wise is all Alabama needs to become great. You think you have the recruits, you have the coach, and that good old tradishun. But the problem is, you have had talent in past years, and that didn't solve the problem. Yes, there are attitude problems and probation, and coaching changes, and that is my point. You don't know what is going to happen next year. A good recruiting class is just a small part of what it takes.

Look Saban is a great coach, I truly do believe that, and he has recruited some great players, that can't be doubted. But the SEC is full of great coaches, Miles, Meyer, Tubbs, Spurrier, Richt, and now old Bobby at Arkansas. That is not all there is. Does Bama have a chance to be a great team, sure, but God you talk about it like we all just ought to give up because Bama got themselves a coach so what point is there now. I mean C'mon. Everytime something new happens at Bama then I hear the heat is about to get turned up, but so far I'm still feeling pretty chilly.
imatigerfan said:
It's the end alright,the end of an uneven playing field. With the recruiting Saban is going to do in the next couple years we will have the talent we have been lacking for several years. No more easy years ahead for tubs. The heats about to be turned up in barnerland

See here is your fundamental problem: You seem to think that a good recruiting class, that has the potential to be a good team talent wise is all Alabama needs to become great. You think you have the recruits, you have the coach, and that good old tradishun. But the problem is, you have had talent in past years, and that didn't solve the problem. Yes, there are attitude problems and probation, and coaching changes, and that is my point. You don't know what is going to happen next year. A good recruiting class is just a small part of what it takes.

Look Saban is a great coach, I truly do believe that, and he has recruited some great players, that can't be doubted. But the SEC is full of great coaches, Miles, Meyer, Tubbs, Spurrier, Richt, and now old Bobby at Arkansas. That is not all there is. Does Bama have a chance to be a great team, sure, but God you talk about it like we all just ought to give up because Bama got themselves a coach so what point is there now. I mean C'mon. Everytime something new happens at Bama then I hear the heat is about to get turned up, but so far I'm still feeling pretty chilly.

If you'll look at what I said you'll see my point is for quite a few years with coaching changes, sanctions,lack of schollies,which inreturn hampers the hell outta good recruiting classes,we are about to get our talent level on even ground. We have had a loss of talent for some time and instability for 8-9 years now. We have a coach that has done it on this level in this conference matter of fact. You guys have benefited from our instability and you all know it.

''You seem to think that a good recruiting class, that has the potential to be a good team talent wise is all Alabama needs to become great. You think you have the recruits, you have the coach, and that good old tradishun.''

Your damn right that's exactly what I think.
I read the article and enjoyed it up until the last couple of paragraphs and I'll tell you why.

First off, I don't care for most sports "journalists" anyway. And I use the term "journalists" loosely.

Secondly, I was fine with the article until I read this;

To the Hog fans: Petrino doesn't love you or any other fan base. He doesn't love any school or NFL franchise. Petrino loves himself, his playbook and his bank account. Petrino is a mercenary at best. Loyalty, allegiance commitment and honesty are foreign concepts to this guy.

Sound familiar? It should if you read the Pat Forde article. Why? Because it's almost an exact quote. I'm not versed in law but it seems to me that this is like boderline plaguerism (atleast).

The disingenuous drifter doesn't love you or any other fan base. He doesn't love any school or any NFL franchise. He loves himself, his playbook and his bank account.

You'd think a "journalist" could come up with something a little more original than what the guy in front of him said the day before. If he's referencing Forde he should say so or atleast provide quotes within the article or an, "and I quote....".

:roll: Journalists. :roll:
I noticed that as well PC.

It is such a blatant piece of plagiarism that it should probably deserve a reprimand from an editor.

Since I live down here, maybe I'll drop off a couple of copies of Forde's article with the stolen items underined over at Tallapoosa Publishers. As a writer and a teacher of writing, I despise intellectual theft.
Hey Tigerfan, while you are correct that recruiting doesn't always equal wins, you must admit that if the roles were reversed, Aubrun would still not get this much hype. Just another thing that I love about this state. Aubrun could go undefeated 23 years in a row, and BAMA could go winless, and you guys would still be the second most important story around. RTR!!! It has to suck to be a fan of an irrelevant college football team.
Bamapossum said:
I noticed that as well PC.

It is such a blatant piece of plagiarism that it should probably deserve a reprimand from an editor.

Since I live down here, maybe I'll drop off a couple of copies of Forde's article with the stolen items underined over at Tallapoosa Publishers. As a writer and a teacher of writing, I despise intellectual theft.

Don't even get me started. I have had folks pay dearly for that kind of thing.

Nice catch, Chopper. You missed your calling.
imatigerfan said:
You think Auburn's class will even come close to Bama's? Let's not play stupid, something is wrong in Auburn. Tubby hasn't had this bad of a class since he's got to Auburn, lets not make excuses...lord knows we know some of the best. Now either Tubby isn't doing something right or Coach Saban is doing just that good. Take your pick.

I would pick Saban is doing a good job. There is no doubt that this is not Auburn's best year for recruitment. I just don't think this is necessarily the end all be all like some people seem to think.

"Denial ain't just a river in Egypt." - Mark Twain
bear facts said:
Bamapossum said:
I noticed that as well PC.

It is such a blatant piece of plagiarism that it should probably deserve a reprimand from an editor.

Since I live down here, maybe I'll drop off a couple of copies of Forde's article with the stolen items underined over at Tallapoosa Publishers. As a writer and a teacher of writing, I despise intellectual theft.

Don't even get me started. I have had folks pay dearly for that kind of thing.

Nice catch, Chopper. You missed your calling.

I guess I'm just in a mood today, but that irks me. Since I've been doing writing for the site here I notice things like that more. For guys like Terry, bamafan4ever, eleven, Randy, Porter or me who work for a small internet site with limited resources it irritates me to no end to see that stuff from professionals who you would think have a lot more access than we do.
porkchop said:
bear facts said:
Bamapossum said:
I noticed that as well PC.

It is such a blatant piece of plagiarism that it should probably deserve a reprimand from an editor.

Since I live down here, maybe I'll drop off a couple of copies of Forde's article with the stolen items underined over at Tallapoosa Publishers. As a writer and a teacher of writing, I despise intellectual theft.

Don't even get me started. I have had folks pay dearly for that kind of thing.

Nice catch, Chopper. You missed your calling.

I guess I'm just in a mood today, but that irks me. Since I've been doing writing for the site here I notice things like that more. For guys like Terry, bamafan4ever, eleven, Randy, Porter or me who work for a small internet site with limited resources it irritates me to no end to see that stuff from professionals who you would think have a lot more access than we do.
Not to mention incorrect English usage, as in:
Oh and, by the way, you're in-state rival Alabama is well on their way to a great recruiting class for 2008. Don't look now, but they have moved up to No. 3 in both recruiting polls.

I'm just the bookkeeper at The Daily Reivew. I only write during football season since we have 4 high schools to cover and a small sports staff. Several of us double up. Anyway, I'm appalled at the mistakes in grammar and sentence structure that comes out of our newsroom. These guys have journalism degrees, but you'd think they never had to take an English course.
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