| FTBL Mt. Cody climbs to Alabama celebrity status

He seemed like a great guy in the interview. But what I picked up from this interview was nothing to do with Cody. Do you guys notice a lot more interviews of players this year than last. I mean last year, interviews of players were practically non-existant. To me that means this team is a team and Saban has more confidence in them as a group. I see nothing but positives from that. Back to Cody, he is huge.
elbatider said:
He seemed like a great guy in the interview. But what I picked up from this interview was nothing to do with Cody. Do you guys notice a lot more interviews of players this year than last. I mean last year, interviews of players were practically non-existant. To me that means this team is a team and Saban has more confidence in them as a group. I see nothing but positives from that. Back to Cody, he is huge.

The media outlets are doing a better job this year of getting video compared to last year. There may be an increase in the total number, but if so it wasn't something that has stuck out to me.
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