| FTBL Mel Kiper


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Not that it matters...of that he even counts, but Mel Kiper just said ALABAMA is the most OVERRATED team in all of college football.

He pointed out the Tulane and Western Kentucky games as warning signs. He basically said outside of Cody...we're just a big joke.

This was courtesy of SportsCenter.

So, outside of Cody, Bama is a joke. Yeah, that's why he has junior Andre Smith as the top tackle for this years draft as well as a top 5, possibly top 3 draft pick overall.

Yeah, outside of Cody, Bama is a joke. :roll:
This is probably one of those same people that had Clemson pick to be in the National Championship game. BTW did he say anything about how we beat Georgia? OR is Georgia not any good either?
For the record, Kiper was chatting with another guy, and he said Texas Tech was the most overrated team in college football.

In all honesty, my vote goes to our favorite BARN ON THE PLAINS!

How Auburn is still in the top 40 is an Unsolved Mystery worthy of the late great...Robert Stack.

I get the impression that Kiper thinks the UGA game was a MASSIVE fluke and the "real" Bama team is a cross between the Tulane and Kentucky games.

rammajamma said:
This is probably one of those same people that had Clemson pick to be in the National Championship game. BTW did he say anything about how we beat Georgia? OR is Georgia not any good either?

Speaking of Clemson and NC game that would be none other than Brent Musberger. When interviewed the other day he had little to say about Alabama but much to say about LSU. He said Alabama just doesn't have the depth or the experience to make a run.

Hmmm, he may be right. It just sounds funny coming from him, since he had Clemson in NC game and we destroyed Clemson. I hope he's as right about us as he was Clemson. :)
some people just don't understand football.

football isn't about cool looking schemes and schnazzy uniforms. football is about blocking and tackling... something Alabama is doing about as good as any team in the country.

running the ball for 4 and 5 yards per carry against UGA and Kentucky (who hadn't allowed a rushing TD all year) is not a fluke.
RollTide1980 said:
Not that it matters...of that he even counts, but Mel Kiper just said ALABAMA is the most OVERRATED team in all of college football.

He pointed out the Tulane and Western Kentucky games as warning signs. He basically said outside of Cody...we're just a big joke.

This was courtesy of SportsCenter.


You probably meant Kentucky but that's ok. Either way, Kiper has been proven wrong on more than one occasion and I don't see this being any different.

Tulane, at least to me, represents how far BAMA has come. Just a year ago or so, that's the kind of game we very well could have lost.
The last time we won a nc we were over rated also. Miami was going to kill us, we were slow, blah, blah, blah. How did that work out?

We are playing Alabama football. Running the ball, tough defense, no penelties (minus UK), no frills. That is why we are all so in love with this team.

Cody is the only thing we have? How about Rolando, Coffee, JJ, Ingrem, Andre, Caldwell, Hightower, and the list goes on and on. Oh and by the by, we have a 3 year starter and senior qb. Anyone remember Jay Barker?

Sometimes I wonder if these guys even watch college football.
I look at the whole thing as your typical sports media.

You know, the same people that shove Duke basketball, USC football and the NY Yankess right down our throats every year. Regardless of the records and standings...

The media decides who is good...and who is bad. It's really that simple. That is why these "game of the century" types, turn into crap.

My opinion:


Preseason polls are nothing more than media bias and "flavor of the moment" selections. Preseason polls are the reason why USC and Ohio State are at the top EVERY YEAR, even though they always choke...EVERY YEAR! lol

Keep in mind, the team down the road without an offense...was around the top 10 before the season began. And the #2 in the country...was #24 in the AP.

We can look at Aubie and Bama to see how well preseason polls work.

What does this have to do with Mel Kiper and ESPN?
Well, a team they didn't PROP UP in early August is #2 in the country. Of course...they MUST be overrated.

Mel Kiper Jr. is the love child of Count Chocula and Joey Buttafuoco.

Did Kiper say if we are more, or less, overrated than him? You know, for reference purposes?

There are a lot of people that are under the impression that Kiper is the greatest talent watch dog on the planet. The truth is, while he has made a good living doing his thing, he is far from the world's leading authority on any such subject. He can memorize names and stats with the best of them, but the info he gets comes from contacts around the league (coaches, GM's, etc). No different than Chris Mortensen, only Mortensen admits it. I know of someone who would sit and watch (live at the draft in NYC) as Kiper would call the GM (or other front office personnel) of the team on the clock and get the name of the player they were about to draft so that he could go on air seconds later and 'guess their pick', then play it up after it was announced. I've spoken with people who have spent a lot of time around Kiper and they flat out said that without his staff and his cellphone, he'd be lost. The dude is a fraud.
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