| CURRENT EVENTS Marijuana Use - Interesting Interview

So his job is to manipulate the crowd? Work them into a frenzy? Rhythmic thumping, pulsing lights, smoke. Sounds like a voodoo ritual. The only thing missing is an animal sacrifice.
If that's how you choose to view the service, it's not for you. God same, "come as you are." Not, come to this place because it's ordained with a lot of gold and other stuff. Which, is how I view a lot of different churches.
Another in-depth article (along with a companion personal experiences article) on the dangers of today's marijuana, this time from the New York Times. Free links below.

The byline of the first article; "for some users..."

No doubt. This is true. I don't have any problems admitting I smoke; in moderation. And by that, I mean "two or three hits and I'm done...as is anyone."

The first paragraph of that article talks of kids being treated because they are smoking all day, every day. Moderation for one...but again, I don't believe a kid needs to be smoking just like they don't need to be drinking.

In the second article they start with 10's of millions smoke and don't have issues. Then, there's this subsection that has problems. NO SHIT! That happens with EVERYTHING!

Again. I know I'm breaking the law. And again, I know I'm helping cancer and Parkinson's patients by sharing...while having a little fun.
I do not sell. I don't share with kids. I don't share with most adults; unless they are sick.

There are other ways these articles could have been framed. IE: A couple of times a week I'll sit with a friend, smoke a bowl, and we'll play chess for a few hours. OR, I'll smoke a little and devour a book. I LOVE getting high and reading!

But then again, I may be an exception to the rule. My retention is still really high and you'd think it would be the opposite.
The byline of the first article; "for some users..."

No doubt. This is true. I don't have any problems admitting I smoke; in moderation. And by that, I mean "two or three hits and I'm done...as is anyone."

The first paragraph of that article talks of kids being treated because they are smoking all day, every day. Moderation for one...but again, I don't believe a kid needs to be smoking just like they don't need to be drinking.

In the second article they start with 10's of millions smoke and don't have issues. Then, there's this subsection that has problems. NO SHIT! That happens with EVERYTHING!

Again. I know I'm breaking the law. And again, I know I'm helping cancer and Parkinson's patients by sharing...while having a little fun.
I do not sell. I don't share with kids. I don't share with most adults; unless they are sick.

There are other ways these articles could have been framed. IE: A couple of times a week I'll sit with a friend, smoke a bowl, and we'll play chess for a few hours. OR, I'll smoke a little and devour a book. I LOVE getting high and reading!

But then again, I may be an exception to the rule. My retention is still really high and you'd think it would be the opposite.
I will admit that it helped greatly with nausea, pain, depression during my 8 months of chemo. I judge it to have medicinal properties and do not care what bug eyed teetotalers think or say. I confess it when it’s time for my confession. I’m at peace with my decisions and my understanding of God’s laws. From a religious standpoint it could be considered sinful only because of the illegality of it but that can be argued that man is interfering for political purposes. It’s a wash.

This is my first hand experience and I’m right, for me. Should you be helping a sick person then you are doing God’s work regardless of the bullshit war on drugs.
It was a joke.. but when I retire no more drug testing threats😉…some friends say its great for autoimmune pain..
I've seen that.

It's about like BP medicine with the docs try to figure out what works. There are a lot of strains which affect everyone differently. I've seen good results out of liquid THC. It tastes like ... ugghh. But, it works and works quickly. "Eye dropper" under the tongue...
Might want to read the Bible... Let's start with Saul, and the harp David played. Or, rejoicing with symbols mentioned in...Psalms, I think?
Musical instruments were not a part of Christian worship until after the Great Schism of 1054. Until then it was too closely tied to pagan worship. I would need to research instruments in temple worship since you pulled from that era.

It was perhaps as late as the tenth century when the organ was played as part of the service. This makes instrumental music one of the late innovations of the medieval Catholic church.

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