| CURRENT EVENTS Marijuana Use - Interesting Interview

Nah. Malevolence far out-harms stupidity. Always has, always will. Ignorance, after all, is bliss.
This goes along the same line of a thought of mine. The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference.

That a really bad end to find yourself on...you aren't hated, No one gives a fuck.
As usual, you cast about in double speak and fringe on nonsense, noting gambling and the noble pot industry's failings falling shy of religion and politics. I'll not defend anyone who has ill intent in the name of religion or politics - there are myriad examples of wayward individuals - but saying the pot industry and gambling, taken in their entirety, are more wholesome? Well, your statement stands for all to see.
I think sometimes you read shit and create your own narrative. Nowhere did I say any industry was wholesome…..Jesus man read a little.

Comparing gambling with pot is ignorant. Smoking pot can cause the same issues as smoking anything, but THC in itself causes no harm and all science (outside of religious shit) backs that. If you smoke like Willie Nelson or Snoop then maybe there could be issues, but THC itself causes no harm. THC cream for pain-causes zero issues, THC edibles causes zero issues.

Here’s what thinking like you got us….the absolute bullshit War On Drugs, that was an absolute disaster and waste of billions of tax dollars.

I’ll bet you’re of the belief pot is a gateway drug?
I think sometimes you read shit and create your own narrative. Nowhere did I say any industry was wholesome…..Jesus man read a little.

Comparing gambling with pot is ignorant. Smoking pot can cause the same issues as smoking anything, but THC in itself causes no harm and all science (outside of religious shit) backs that. If you smoke like Willie Nelson or Snoop then maybe there could be issues, but THC itself causes no harm. THC cream for pain-causes zero issues, THC edibles causes zero issues.

Here’s what thinking like you got us….the absolute bullshit War On Drugs, that was an absolute disaster and waste of billions of tax dollars.

I’ll bet you’re of the belief pot is a gateway drug?

Just so you can't put distance between it, you said:

You can pot that’s low in THC, medium in THC, and obviously ones that are very high.

Pot today isn’t any more addictive that pot from 50 years ago. I’m talking just normal pot not shit that’s laced with something. The benefits outweigh whatever minuscule bad there is.

You talk about the pot industry being like the gambling industry with taking away dignity and emptying your pockets, but there are far more harmful things that take those things- religion and politics being two of them

Spare me. Pot isn’t harmful outside of smoking it. GTFO here

Free link above, and pdf version below.


  • More Teens Who Use Marijuana Are Suffering From Psychosis - WSJ.pdf
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This article reminds me of a story that came out a few years ago about some lady who took edibles. Maybe it was a reporter? I'll have to look. Here's the gist of the story...

The instructions on the candy bar she was eating was a quarter at a 'dose.' She ate the whole thing and freaked out. No fuckin' wonder.

I do not agree with those who try to categorize the influence of alcohol and marijuana under the same umbrella. It does not fit.

The 'weed' doesn't encourage, or lead to, psychosis. Will it accentuate an underlying issue? Sure. So will a lot of things.
Oh yes, if all the cool kids do it, it's got to be beneficial. We wouldn't have artifacts showing lead pipes were used for thousands of years if they weren't effective and beneficial.
This threw me for a bit. I had to stop and think about what you were saying and if I was reading it correctly.

I get the impression that this subject is looked through the lens of being in high school. While it is against the law here in SC I know the benefits out way the law. I recently lost a good friend of mine to Alzheimer's. The liquid THC I made for him allowed him to walk. Walk. The same story goes with a guy I played chess with for years: Parkinson's. (I really miss those chess games.)

I could get put in jail for this post. But, the cancer patients I deal with ... I'm okay with that.

Just so you can't put distance between it, you said:

Free link above, and pdf version below.
I’m not going to distance from my stance on marijuana.

People with your opinion is what led to one of the worst waste of tax payer dollars in our history called the fucking war on drugs.

Marijuana by itself doesn’t cause psychosis, as Terry said it can accentuate issues that are already there.
I in fact don’t know this. He came up with his own narrative and went as far as to say that I said the pot industry was fucking wholesome
If I tell you something about someone on this forum, you know it's fact. Especially someone under the "staff" tag here. I trust Tim with my life much like you should trust my word here.

The literal definition of the worst decisions in the world is when someone approaches my friends He is my friend.
If I tell you something about someone on this forum, you know it's fact. Especially someone under the "staff" tag here. I trust Tim with my life much like you should trust my word here.

The literal definition of the worst decisions in the world is when someone approaches my friends He is my friend.
Your friend has questioned my integrity before and has now put words into my mouth, so staff here or anywhere else I don’t care, I’m not going to allow somebody to do that unchecked. So, you can boot me from here, ground me by sending me to some stupid site whenever I try to come here, I don’t care, I’m not going to allow that to go unchecked.

So, he doesn’t parch stuff to come up with his own narrative, so parches it and comes up with some bullshit got it. I’m not trying to disrespect you Terry, but I’m not going to allow somebody to put words into my mouth and not question their reasoning for doing it.
Your friend has questioned my integrity before and has now put words into my mouth, so staff here or anywhere else I don’t care, I’m not going to allow somebody to do that unchecked. So, you can boot me from here, ground me by sending me to some stupid site whenever I try to come here, I don’t care, I’m not going to allow that to go unchecked.

So, he doesn’t parch stuff to come up with his own narrative, so parches it and comes up with some bullshit got it. I’m not trying to disrespect you Terry, but I’m not going to allow somebody to put words into my mouth and not question their reasoning for doing it.
You've defined yourself, right here in this post.

Do you actually think I'm going to boot you from this site because you have a different opinion? It's the reason I got out of the other site I built.
Boot me? No, but I thought you’d “ground” me and send me to some site
Why? Because you disagreed with a view? The only time I send people for a spin is when they disrespect others. I will fuck with someone's head enough to drive them elsewhere.

It's like I told @It Takes Eleven a few months ago. No one has the right to not be offended. Including me.

I step on your toes because you put them out there. :devilish:
It wasn’t a war on ivermectin, it was a war on unintelligent morons shooting parasite medicine into their bellies. Hence why places like Tractor Supply and Murdochs had to lock it up, idiots were literally buying it out and ranchers that need it didnt have it
Press conference. On Capital HIll...with a bunch of doctors?

This is another lie that you have bought.
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