One of his better articles. Other than giving greater weight to the recent successes of Florida schools, and giving Michigan credit for the size of their following and not their national achievements, it's a pretty good list. Living in Georgia, my curiosity of uga's undeserved air of national football superiority has long given way to contempt of their disillusionment. They are not to be understood, just avoided when possible and confronted and put down as necessary.
Over the past 50 years, there have been 60 NC awarded (ten split years). Of those 60 NC, 48 have been awarded to the "Kings", six to the "Barons", and six to those below.
Since Minnesota's only NC in the last half century was in 1960, I can see their national irrelevance. Florida State's status as national bridesmaid for so much of the last twenty years ensures their place in the elite, but they have little to show pre-Bowden. Other than a few good years in the 60's, Florida had no football significance until the 90's and Spurrier. Miami's run of NC puts them in the elite, but I'd be ashamed if my team filled just over half its stadium for home games. Utah and UTEP both outdraw Miami.