| FTBL Kines speaks!

I believe he loves us more, if that's even possible. That guy LOVES football, and Im sure he'll be yelling at the refs and players this coming season, even though he wont be the man on the sidelines. He'll just be doing it from a greater distance :lol:
I think it says alot about the calibur of man Coach Kines is. I am glad he is not our head coach now, but he was a GREAT DC and is a great asset to The University of Alabama.
i think having him around the campus while some of the players he coached are still there is a good thing.

all the players liked him and always had good things to say about him.

and i'm glad he chose to remain here at ALABAMA. he was a great asset and will continue to be one while he's here, even if he isn't on the field having day-to-day contact with the players.
bamafan850 said:
WOW. Steele will have his hands full replacing Kines. Look what he has done the past few years. I hope replacing Kines does not end up being a BIG mistake!!

The defense will be in good hands under Saban and Steele, no need to worry about that.
Very nice read. Thanks for that PH. ;tr

“God really blessed me,” Kines said. “I have 41 years of coaching experience. After the (bowl) game, I was in the shower, and I knew this was it for me. I stood under the hot water and let the water wash over me, and I replayed all of the great games. I knew once I stepped out of the shower that was it for me.”

Sad...but I didn't really need that image.

"RawrthiswateristoohotRawr" :lol:
Really happy for Coach Kines. I'm getting to that age where one thinks about what happens after your life's work is done. It's really gratifying to see someone like Kines have a chance to contribute in a different way when on the field coaching is over. Hope everyone can get a chance to bow out gracefully, yet still be able to be a valuable team member.
I'm glad he's still around too. His sideline interview in the bowl game cracked me up.

Tideboy said:
I'm glad he's still around too. His sideline interview in the bowl game cracked me up.


Yeah, since CNS doesn't care to speak to the media that much, Kines should be made the official halftime interview spokesperson. :D
Tider 27 said:
Very nice read. Thanks for that PH. ;tr

“God really blessed me,” Kines said. “I have 41 years of coaching experience. After the (bowl) game, I was in the shower, and I knew this was it for me. I stood under the hot water and let the water wash over me, and I replayed all of the great games. I knew once I stepped out of the shower that was it for me.”

Sad...but I didn't really need that image.

"RawrthiswateristoohotRawr" :lol:

Man that was funny. :D
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