| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC Jurassic World out today

ordered my tickets last night for the 6:30 showing later today.

i'm not normally a theater person (unless it's star wars or indiana jones). but i can still remember watching the first one in the theater (as well as the other 2) and how awesome it was so i just had to see this one in a theater as well.
Saw it Friday afternoon. If it has been a long time since you have seen the original Jurassic Park movie it would do you good to go watch it again beforehand. This movie has a lot of nods to it that you may miss otherwise. And watch for the margarita runner as my wife and I found that hilarious. All in all it was a very enjoyable movie and unless you really want to sit and nitpick it the CGI is perfectly fine and does not detract from the scenes at all.
Saw it Friday afternoon. If it has been a long time since you have seen the original Jurassic Park movie it would do you good to go watch it again beforehand. This movie has a lot of nods to it that you may miss otherwise. And watch for the margarita runner as my wife and I found that hilarious. All in all it was a very enjoyable movie and unless you really want to sit and nitpick it the CGI is perfectly fine and does not detract from the scenes at all.

i read about...that person...being in the movie in a cameo role and wondered where they'd come in or if i'd even see them at all. but when that scene was happening and i saw them running, i knew right away.
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