| FTBL John's Pit Bulls Edit: NCAA violation with John's



I wonder if this is a violation of NCAA bylaws by including graphical images of the University of Alabama uniforms, coaches, etc... on a business site of a current player?

I guess we will find out soon enough, count on it.


NCAA Bylaw

- A student-athlete may establish his or her own business, provided
the student-athlete's name, photograph, appearance or athletics
reputation are not used to promote the business.

In addition, Bylaw states,

- After becoming a student-athlete, an individual shall not be
eligible for participation in intercollegiate athletics if the

(a) Accepts any remuneration for or permits the use of his or her
name or picture to advertise, recommend or promote directly the sale
or use of a commercial product or service of any kind; or

(b) Receives remuneration for endorsing a commercial product or
service through the individual's use of such product or service.
If he, in any way endorses or promotes dogfighting, then I retract all statements made on JJ. Anyone that can sit and watch a dogfight is seriously disgusting and doesn't deserve a second or third chance.
Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
If he, in any way endorses or promotes dogfighting, then I retract all statements made on JJ. Anyone that can sit and watch a dogfight is seriously disgusting and doesn't deserve a second or third chance.

Slanging the 'cain is fine, but dog fighing is out? LOL

You need to be a K-9 officer, if you are indeed a law enforcement officer. That is where you would do most good and hopefully not become involved in any shady activities yourself.
rtauburnsucks said:
wow, that cant be good. WTH, after all the Mike Vick crap....who in their right mind would freaking sell pit bulls. I know it says nothing about fighting on the site, but give me a break.

That site is fake. Also, pit bulls are one of the best dogs a person can have. People are the ones making a bad name for pits. My pit is, 50% Razors Edge and 50% Watchdog. As a 15 week old puppy, she makes most peoples adult dogs look stupid. She is a puppy still so I still deal with some puppy habits but, she's a very smart dog.

My brothers pit, is the smartest dog i've ever known. I don't fight my dog, my brothers don't fight their dogs (2 brothers, 4 pits) and my mother doesn't fight her pit. They are one of the most loyal dogs if not the most loyal dog a person can get to protect their owners/family. You can look that up.

BTW, my dog is worth $1500 minimum is why someone in their right mind would sell pit bull puppies.
Aftermath said:
rtauburnsucks said:
wow, that cant be good. WTH, after all the Mike Vick crap....who in their right mind would freaking sell pit bulls. I know it says nothing about fighting on the site, but give me a break.

That site is fake. Also, pit bulls are one of the best dogs a person can have. People are the ones making a bad name for pits. My pit is, 50% Razors Edge and 50% Watchdog. As a 15 week old puppy, she makes most peoples adult dogs look stupid. She is a puppy still so I still deal with some puppy habits but, she's a very smart dog.

My brothers pit, is the smartest dog i've ever known. I don't fight my dog, my brothers don't fight their dogs (2 brothers, 4 pits) and my mother doesn't fight her pit. They are one of the most loyal dogs if not the most loyal dog a person can get to protect their owners/family. You can look that up.

BTW, my dog is worth $1500 minimum is why someone in their right mind would sell pit bull puppies.

Thanks for telling the board the site is fake and then to prove it, tell us all about pit bulls and their value as the best breed of dog ever created. I didn't know it was fake, thank you so much for debunking the myth.

How about this one:

Since you're in the know ctraltdel, i'm ok with that truly being JJs actual myspace profile (see Tebow) and his coming soon website of a bunch of things coming soon. I'm getting excited really soon.

If the website isn't fake,(was an uneducated guess) thanks for giving the rivals a head start on the probation. Awesome!

CtrlAltieDel said:
Aftermath said:
rtauburnsucks said:
wow, that cant be good. WTH, after all the Mike Vick crap....who in their right mind would freaking sell pit bulls. I know it says nothing about fighting on the site, but give me a break.

That site is fake. Also, pit bulls are one of the best dogs a person can have. People are the ones making a bad name for pits. My pit is, 50% Razors Edge and 50% Watchdog. As a 15 week old puppy, she makes most peoples adult dogs look stupid. She is a puppy still so I still deal with some puppy habits but, she's a very smart dog.

My brothers pit, is the smartest dog i've ever known. I don't fight my dog, my brothers don't fight their dogs (2 brothers, 4 pits) and my mother doesn't fight her pit. They are one of the most loyal dogs if not the most loyal dog a person can get to protect their owners/family. You can look that up.

BTW, my dog is worth $1500 minimum is why someone in their right mind would sell pit bull puppies.

Thanks for telling the board the site is fake and then to prove it, tell us all about pit bulls and their value as the best breed of dog ever created. I didn't know it was fake, thank you so much for debunking the myth.

How about this one:

:idea: :idea:
TigerBait3 said:
The site may be fake but he definitely owns them. He is a nice guy that makes bad decisions. I hope his kid can overcome the bad decision his father made.

Of course, the site may not be fake. Let's keep all options on the table.
Aftermath said:
Since you're in the know ctraltdel, i'm ok with that truly being JJs actual myspace profile (see Tebow) and his coming soon website of a bunch of things coming soon. I'm getting excited really soon.

If the website isn't fake,(was an uneducated guess) thanks for giving the rivals a head start on the probation. Awesome!

CtrlAltieDel said:
Aftermath said:
rtauburnsucks said:
wow, that cant be good. WTH, after all the Mike Vick crap....who in their right mind would freaking sell pit bulls. I know it says nothing about fighting on the site, but give me a break.

That site is fake. Also, pit bulls are one of the best dogs a person can have. People are the ones making a bad name for pits. My pit is, 50% Razors Edge and 50% Watchdog. As a 15 week old puppy, she makes most peoples adult dogs look stupid. She is a puppy still so I still deal with some puppy habits but, she's a very smart dog.

My brothers pit, is the smartest dog i've ever known. I don't fight my dog, my brothers don't fight their dogs (2 brothers, 4 pits) and my mother doesn't fight her pit. They are one of the most loyal dogs if not the most loyal dog a person can get to protect their owners/family. You can look that up.

BTW, my dog is worth $1500 minimum is why someone in their right mind would sell pit bull puppies.

Thanks for telling the board the site is fake and then to prove it, tell us all about pit bulls and their value as the best breed of dog ever created. I didn't know it was fake, thank you so much for debunking the myth.

How about this one:

:idea: :idea:

Are you serious man? Where do you come from? Google beat me to Jimmy's site, blame them. About 15 other boards beat me to it, both Alabama and rival fan's boards, and even Usenet beat me to it. Blame them.

But most of all, don't blame Jimmy, he was innocent.
This will be my final comment on this website because it is the least of his worries and certainly not a worry of mine.

The site is not fake and has been updated as recently as three months or so ago.

I could easily see an Auburn fan quickly creating this website today when the news broke, just to add any kind of insult to the injury, anything they could think of.

But that just isn't the case. It looks like the domain was originally registered back in June of '05 and updated just 3 months ago.


Administrative Contact
Registration Private
Domains by Proxy, Inc.
(480) 624-2599 Phone
(480) 624-2599 Fax
15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
United States

Technical Contact
Registration Private
Domains by Proxy, Inc.
(480) 624-2599 Phone
(480) 624-2599 Fax
15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
United States

Registered Through
GoDaddy.com, Inc.
Domain Name: jimmyjohnspitbulls.com
Created on: 2008-03-06 22:40:25
Expires on: 2009-03-07 03:40:25
Last Updated on: 2008-03-06 22:40:25
CtrlAltieDel said:
Slanging the 'cain is fine, but dog fighing is out?

It's because our society no longer values HUMAN life as much as it values animal life. It is a sad commentary to be sure.

Hurt a dog and your ass is in jail. Kill an unborn child? NO WORRIES!!

Jimmy Johns is no better than the dogs he sold. He is an animal and should be treated like one. He has no more reasoning skill than the dogs he 'sold'. He can only think of the now and does not reason even ONE step ahead. Of course all the bleeding hearts out there probably just think Johns is 'misunderstood' and his plight is the fault of our evil, capitalist, white society. :roll:
Swamptick said:
Jimmy Johns is no better than the dogs he sold. He is an animal and should be treated like one. He has no more reasoning skill than the dogs he 'sold'.

I joined this site because of the seemingly mature nature of the posting and the positive reflection of my favorite football team. This whole situation is bringing out the worst in many of us. I am hurt and pissed too, Swampstick, but lets leave it at that. Jimmy Johns was wrong, wrong as wrong can be, but that doesn't make him subhuman does it?

I love Alabama football for many many many reasons. But there is an underlying viciousness inherent with our fanbase, a ferver and madness that everyone in college football can see but us. Someone at ESPN likened us to Lenny from "Of Mice and Men". Like Lenny and his puppy, we love our program soo much we pet it to death. So I understand your anger at Jimmy Johns, but ease up on the sensational. Leave attacks like that for the kids at AL.com and Tidesports. Flame away.
I agree with the earlier poster concerning the character of pit bulls. Having raised one from a pup, I've never had a more intelligent, easier to train dog. He is very affectionate and loyal. I have never seen him act aggressively towards anyone, though I expect he would if he sensed someone were threatening my family, but then many dogs would. Like children, it is in how you raise them.
I guess if you really wanted to know if the site was real you could email JJ.

His email is on the contact info page.

He may not answer the email for awhile.
Bama Bard said:
Swamptick said:
Jimmy Johns is no better than the dogs he sold. He is an animal and should be treated like one. He has no more reasoning skill than the dogs he 'sold'.

I joined this site because of the seemingly mature nature of the posting and the positive reflection of my favorite football team. This whole situation is bringing out the worst in many of us. I am hurt and pissed too, Swampstick, but lets leave it at that. Jimmy Johns was wrong, wrong as wrong can be, but that doesn't make him subhuman does it?

I love Alabama football for many many many reasons. But there is an underlying viciousness inherent with our fanbase, a ferver and madness that everyone in college football can see but us. Someone at ESPN likened us to Lenny from "Of Mice and Men". Like Lenny and his puppy, we love our program soo much we pet it to death. So I understand your anger at Jimmy Johns, but ease up on the sensational. Leave attacks like that for the kids at AL.com and Tidesports. Flame away.

I understand where you are comming from and all but friend, I have been posting here a while and SELDOM do I ever say anything 'sensational' as you put it.

Before correcting me for forum etiquette you may want to know the posters you correct first. It may also behoove you to realize this is a social forum where people are free to vent from time to time when they feel the need. Without people venting their anger it would be a boring place. I am not saying I want it to turn into one of those other boards but for you to imply that I am one of 'those kids' on the other boards is not only insulting but incorrect.

I am glad you joined this forum and am not trying to chase you of by any means. Your opinion of the forum is correct too. It is the best site but try not to insult members or imply that they are childish before you truly know them.

Also I am not as angry at JJ as you might think. He uses his instinct to live his life and not his brain. That is what animals do. I was merely making an observation. Drug dealers are animals who live only in the now and care only about themselves much like dogs. Thing is, dogs have an excuse.
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