🏈 I've learned thing from last season, and this season also...


Verified Member
team A can beat team B, or vice versa, any given Saturday. Utah may be in a "foreign" conference, but we as fans have learned from :shock: ULM :shock: that talent alone cannot win. Bear once said that "it's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog."Utah has earned my respect by being an undefeated team, but Bama was also till last weekend. This will be a good game, for both teams. Remember guys, this isn't Hawaii '07. Noone will just roll over and die in this Sugar Bowl. Roll Tide!!!!!, and Go Utes! :wink:
Re: I've learned thing from last season, and this season als

BamaFan19 said:
team A can be team B, or vice versa, any given Saturday. Utah may be in a "foreign" conference, but we as fans have learned from :shock: ULM :shock: that talent alone cannot win. Bear once said that "it's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog."Utah has earned my respect by being an undefeated team, but Bama was also till last weekend. This will be a good game, for both teams. Remember guys, this isn't Hawaii '07. Noone will just roll over and die in this Sugar Bowl. Roll Tide!!!!!, and Go Utes! :wink:

i would just like to say that the placement of the :shock: faces in your post are perfect. i lol'd.
Re: I've learned thing from last season, and this season als

tidentrue said:
BamaFan19 said:
Bear once said that "it's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog

i always thought Tupac said that :D

And you see where that lead him... :oops:

Utah is a respectable team.We share a common thing.
We both have...um...white in our Uniforms! :D
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