| FTBL Its official...we are not very good!



I mean...Just look at the before and after of each game this season...

Before: Clemson is top 10. Clemson will beat Alabama like the middle tier SEC team that they are...

After: Bama beat the snot out of Clemson, but Clemson is not good. Alabama is overrated.

Before: Tulane was in Birmingham all week long and focused on Bama. It will be tough.

After: Any team that does not blow out Tulane, is terrible. Alabama is overrated. WKU will be a cakewalk, but Arkansas will be a test.

Before: WKU should be a cakewalk - 35-14
After: Why did Bama give up a passing TD? Overrated

Before: On the road at Arkansas will be tough. Petrino is a genius. Bama may lose.
After: Arkansas is terrible. Worst team in the SEC. Alabama did not do anything. UGA will destroy Bama.

Before: UGA is the greatest team of all time. Stafford will pass for 1000 and Moreno runs for 2000. Alabama S&C coach Cochran sealed the doom of the Tide with his comments.
After: UGA was overrated. They were distracted by all the black. Bama did not do anything. They are overrated.

Before:UK has the #1 defense in the nation. Nobody can run on UK. Bama is in a trap game. It will be close.
After: why did Bama have a tough time? Nevermind that they never trailed and the game was never really in question. Bama is overrated. Ole Miss Beat UF. Bama will lose to Nutt - he has their number!

Before: Ole Miss beat UF. They will beat Bama. They are still mad about that officiating call from last season. Nutt has Bama's number!
After: Ole Miss is no good. Bama didn't do anything. They are overrated. Just wait...UT has talent and can beat them. Bama cannot go undefeated in the SEC.

Before: UT in Knoxville is tough, no matter what. UT has athletes. They will man up. Bama will be upset.
After: UT sucks...just less than Bama. LSU will whip them - if they don't lose to Arkansas State like they did to ULM. Arkie State is better than ULM.

Before: Arkie State is better than ULM. Bama will be looking ahead to LSU. They scored 83 on a team!
After: of course they beat Arkie state! They shut them out, but Arkie state had almost 100 yards rushing! LSU will Kill Bama!

Before: LSU on the bayou!!! The cajuns are out for Saban's blood! They burned an effigy first, the real thing is in Tiger Stadium! LSU matches up well against Bama!!! LSU will win!
After: Bama is overrated. They are not the #1 team in the nation. LSU choked. Didn't you see the interceptions? Nevermind Alabama fumbling into the endzone or missing two easy field goals. Bama may beat MSU and Auburn, but Florida will kill them!

I tell you what. If I hear "Bama didn't do anything...overrated...not #1...(team X) will kill them!" one more dadgum time, I am gonna vomit.



Don't live vicariously through some expectation of a future beatdown of the Crimson Tide by some team you normally hate. YOU LOST to us.

If you find joy in some expectation of a future Bama loss, so be it...just know that you are not the first person to do it, and all others have been wrong so far. YES we may lose to (team x).

I can already hear it. Sure Bama beat UF...but so did Ole Miss. UF was overrated. (insert BCS #2) will kill Bama!

Heck, I am beginning to believe - if we happen to go 14-0 and win the NC, you people will say that we didn't do anything because all of College football sucks and is overrated.

I watched part of Vandy and UF. Vandy couldn't cover a queen sized bed with a king sized fitted sheet. I am watching the Texas Tech game now. OSU lets their receivers run straight down the field uncontested...they don't touch them off the line. TTech has a hard enough time stopping the running game of spread teams that can't run the ball. Yes we went to OT with LSU in Baton Rouge, but TTech went to OT with Nefreakinbraska at home. They will lose to OU.

Big_Fan said:
I mean...Just look at the before and after of each game this season...

Before: Clemson is top 10. Clemson will beat Alabama like the middle tier SEC team that they are...

After: Bama beat the snot out of Clemson, but Clemson is not good. Alabama is overrated.

Before: Tulane was in Birmingham all week long and focused on Bama. It will be tough.

After: Any team that does not blow out Tulane, is terrible. Alabama is overrated. WKU will be a cakewalk, but Arkansas will be a test.

Before: WKU should be a cakewalk - 35-14
After: Why did Bama give up a passing TD? Overrated

Before: On the road at Arkansas will be tough. Petrino is a genius. Bama may lose.
After: Arkansas is terrible. Worst team in the SEC. Alabama did not do anything. UGA will destroy Bama.

Before: UGA is the greatest team of all time. Stafford will pass for 1000 and Moreno runs for 2000. Alabama S&C coach Cochran sealed the doom of the Tide with his comments.
After: UGA was overrated. They were distracted by all the black. Bama did not do anything. They are overrated.

Before:UK has the #1 defense in the nation. Nobody can run on UK. Bama is in a trap game. It will be close.
After: why did Bama have a tough time? Nevermind that they never trailed and the game was never really in question. Bama is overrated. Ole Miss Beat UF. Bama will lose to Nutt - he has their number!

Before: Ole Miss beat UF. They will beat Bama. They are still mad about that officiating call from last season. Nutt has Bama's number!
After: Ole Miss is no good. Bama didn't do anything. They are overrated. Just wait...UT has talent and can beat them. Bama cannot go undefeated in the SEC.

Before: UT in Knoxville is tough, no matter what. UT has athletes. They will man up. Bama will be upset.
After: UT sucks...just less than Bama. LSU will whip them - if they don't lose to Arkansas State like they did to ULM. Arkie State is better than ULM.

Before: Arkie State is better than ULM. Bama will be looking ahead to LSU. They scored 83 on a team!
After: of course they beat Arkie state! They shut them out, but Arkie state had almost 100 yards rushing! LSU will Kill Bama!

Before: LSU on the bayou!!! The cajuns are out for Saban's blood! They burned an effigy first, the real thing is in Tiger Stadium! LSU matches up well against Bama!!! LSU will win!
After: Bama is overrated. They are not the #1 team in the nation. LSU choked. Didn't you see the interceptions? Nevermind Alabama fumbling into the endzone or missing two easy field goals. Bama may beat MSU and Auburn, but Florida will kill them!

I tell you what. If I hear "Bama didn't do anything...overrated...not #1...(team X) will kill them!" one more dadgum time, I am gonna vomit.



Don't live vicariously through some expectation of a future beatdown of the Crimson Tide by some team you normally hate. YOU LOST to us.

If you find joy in some expectation of a future Bama loss, so be it...just know that you are not the first person to do it, and all others have been wrong so far. YES we may lose to (team x).

I can already hear it. Sure Bama beat UF...but so did Ole Miss. UF was overrated. (insert BCS #2) will kill Bama!

Heck, I am beginning to believe - if we happen to go 14-0 and win the NC, you people will say that we didn't do anything because all of College football sucks and is overrated.

I watched part of Vandy and UF. Vandy couldn't cover a queen sized bed with a king sized fitted sheet. I am watching the Texas Tech game now. OSU lets their receivers run straight down the field uncontested...they don't touch them off the line. TTech has a hard enough time stopping the running game of spread teams that can't run the ball. Yes we went to OT with LSU in Baton Rouge, but TTech went to OT with Nefreakinbraska at home. They will lose to OU.


Save a little something for church on Sunday. :D

Amen brother Amen!

But I ain't worried about dem debils and what they say. As long as we win, we're headed to the Promise Land.
Hey, I'm convinced. Not only do we need to cancel the rest of the season, we need to shut the entire college down, maybe the whole town. We ain't got a chanct agin' Flarda.:shock:
The UF game is gonna be tough. We will need to play flawless to beat those guys. Call me a party pooper, but right now I see that game somewhere in the range of Florida winning 31-24. But hey, we should beat State and Auburn and go to a BCS bowl regardless. I will have no complaints...
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