| FTBL Is it wrong of me...?


Verified Member
... that at least once a week I find myself going through our various conference rivals forums and re-reading the threads from NSD 2008 just to see the reaction that Alabama's class had. I especially love the Julio Jones threads. It's my guilty pleasure I guess. Gets me pumped for the upcoming years.
You're living in the past. :wink:

I found myself reading a few threads on a forum just the other day where a few LSU fans and a few Auburn fans were trying to start the rumor of Julio not qualifying.
I love those too.

I especially love reading at about 11:35am central time on February 6th on an Oklahoma board... " **** him, he's a showboat who has to be the center of attention. We don't need that kind of TO mentality on our team"

I just shake my head in aw.
Typical BamMMer! :lol: :wink: Bear Bry...er, I mean signing day's dead man! Get over it! live in the present!

Birmingham said:
I think we're missing the point here. I should be thankful that I have a job that lets me slack off this much. LOL.

It's called multi-tasking.

I'm like you. I don't have restrictions on my 'net access at work and I'm allowed to work from the house as well. It just so happens when I'm at the office the boss doesn't understand how I can have 12-15 tabs open at the same time and keep track on what is going on with all of them.
I really try not to visit rival sites....but I just might have to end my drought for some reading.
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