| CURRENT EVENTS Indoctrinating

If the commandments were written in a different style.

Don't lie to folks.
Don't kill nobody.
If you married, don't fuck around.
Don't steal shit.

Would that be okay?
The 10 commandments are a foundation of Western Civilization. A large portion of the world.
Hammurabi says, "Hold my beer."
...and widely publicized as the earliest example of a written legal code—one that predated but bore striking parallels to the laws outlined in the Hebrew Old Testament.

The U.S. Supreme Court building features Hammurabi on the marble carvings of historic lawgivers that lines the south wall of the courtroom.

I'll argue the 10 commandments don't fall under "religion."
Laws which imply reciprocity, mutuality, consensual exchange, property rights, etc., have been ubiquitous around the world in all cultures, mandated by all sorts of gods, with variations of course relating to degrees of state intervention.
In fact, there's been no society to exist for any length of time which didn't circumscribe violence and fraud. Hence the Old Testament didn't inform Western Civilization that murder, theft, and criminal violence were worthy of punishment. The norms of human cooperation did.

It's counter productive to send the signal to impressionable youth that only authorities have the wisdom to tell them how to behave. Children, not unlike adults but more so, respond to expectations. School administrators need to be imparting to our youth that any cooperative and peaceful society has prerequisites that they can discover for themselves by reason, not commanded to them by revelation.
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As long as we have teachers unions, the students will be indoctrinated as being members of the Democrat party and their bullshit views..
But the biggest indoctrination unit in this country is the mockingbird media..
……but muh Hammurabi. The last refuge of the godless when discussing morality. Morality was instilled in man at creation. The farther from God that an individual or gov moves, the less moral & the more legalistic they/it becomes. There is a reason the US gov biggest export is homosexuality & debauchery.
……but muh Hammurabi. The last refuge of the godless when discussing morality.
A moral person doesn’t obey commands just to avoid the manipulative tantrum of whoever commands them. Instead, a moral person recognizes the universal law of reciprocity/mutuality, also referred to as the Golden Rule, articulated in different ways in every ancient culture and every major religious tradition. In fact the god of the Old Testament is a rather poor exemplar of morality. He is a petty, jealous, temperamental, and vindictive deity as characterized in Bible. This is yet another reason against displaying anything from the OT as a model for children.
A moral person doesn’t obey commands just to avoid the manipulative tantrum of whoever commands them. Instead, a moral person recognizes the universal law of reciprocity/mutuality, also referred to as the Golden Rule, articulated in different ways in every ancient culture and every major religious tradition. In fact the god of the Old Testament is a rather poor exemplar of morality. He is a petty, jealous, temperamental, and vindictive deity as characterized in Bible. This is yet another reason against displaying anything from the OT as a model for children.
Having read the Bible through 3 times in which 2 were as an atheist, I know where you come from. It was a natural progression since the advent of protestantism when reason & logic has been the lens through which the Bible is read. Your universal law of reciprocity/mutuality sounds nice but is a steaming sack of horse shit. Read the history of some of the African colonial interests of the British in the mid 1800s. Haiti of today is a shining example of a lack of God & morals. As for the OT it is a running history of what happens when God & morality are absent from the hearts & minds of men. Do you feel the same animosity towards the NT when Jesus states that you can hang the whole of the law on loving your neighbor as yourself?
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