If You were to become super rich


Verified Member
I was talking with a co-worker this morning about what life would be like if you were to become super wealthy.

I told her that I'd like to think I wouldn't change, and that I would be disciplined and save money for my kids and do all this charitable stuff. But, the truth is, I'd probably start dressing like Liberace and drive a damn Ferrari Pinanferina. 1960's model please. I'd divorce my wife and date hot women. I'd buy courtside seats to see the LA Lakers, so I could rub shoulders with the beautiful people, and Jack Nicholson. I would probably start smoking 100's.

Nope. Don't think I could resist the lure of all that life offers for the very rich.
If I were rich, I would like to give some money to an organization that means a lot to me personally. I have the organization in mind but I do not if they would accept the money (moral dilema) if I won; say the lottery and I do not have the money...yet. :dazed:
If I were to become super rich. I would become a farmer. I would have a massive hunting club for me and my friends. I would attempt to grow my own vegetables and cattle.

I have a friend that is a missionary doctor in Honduras. I would ensure that Healing Hands Global will have plenty of funds and would spend more time down there helping him.
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