| FTBL Humiliation


Verified Member
Well fans, this has been the most humiliating day I can ever remember as a 30 year Tide fan... From the jokes to the Saban bashing is been a rough day. I still like Saban as much as I always have but I just wished he could have been honest about the DJ Hall punishment issue. He played DJ in the second half to avoid a loss and never intended to play him during the game. He lied to the media and fans.. Is he an honest man/coach?? Lets hope he is??
@@@@@@@ Roll Tide
Did Saban tell you personally that DJ Hall was going to be suspended for an entire game? Why would he be in uniform and pads if he wasn't going to play? Calm down, look forward to next season, and pull for the TIDE this Saturday. But yes, it was tough being at work this morning.
bamanaf said:
Well fans, this has been the most humiliating day I can ever remember as a 30 year Tide fan... From the jokes to the Saban bashing is been a rough day. I still like Saban as much as I always have but I just wished he could have been honest about the DJ Hall punishment issue. He played DJ in the second half to avoid a loss and never intended to play him during the game. He lied to the media and fans.. Is he an honest man/coach?? Lets hope he is??
@@@@@@@ Roll Tide

When did he lie?

Every time a player has been suspended for a game, the player has not dressed with the team. In fact, Saban was asked about the suspended players during the first game, and his response was that if they were suspended they didn't deserve to wear the uniform that day. Clearly, DJ Hall was not suspended for the entire game.
"Lie may be too strong of a word. Covering up a fiasco maybe a better way to put it.. Trust me, I am not the only person with this question today. At least what you guys are saying may help clear it all up. Thanks

@@@@@@@@ TIDE
bamanaf said:
Well fans, this has been the most humiliating day I can ever remember as a 30 year Tide fan... From the jokes to the Saban bashing is been a rough day. I still like Saban as much as I always have but I just wished he could have been honest about the DJ Hall punishment issue. He played DJ in the second half to avoid a loss and never intended to play him during the game. He lied to the media and fans.. Is he an honest man/coach?? Lets hope he is??
@@@@@@@ Roll Tide
I agree, I raised my eyebrow when he stated that he played Johns until he made the crucial mistake of turning the ball over....He hasn't pulled JP out after his crucial turnovers. :?
More humiliation. Enough for one week... Our basketball team just got their butts kicked by Belmont. Theyve never beaten an SEC team until they met good ol' Alabama. Come on , Geez..
bamanaf said:
More humiliation. Enough for one week... Our basketball team just got their butts kicked by Belmont. Theyve never beaten an SEC team until they met good ol' Alabama. Come on , Geez..

Why don't you stop your fake self-pity BS and get a life? You've done nothing but whine since you got here.

geez :roll:
HiTide said:
bamanaf said:
More humiliation. Enough for one week... Our basketball team just got their butts kicked by Belmont. Theyve never beaten an SEC team until they met good ol' Alabama. Come on , Geez..

Why don't you stop your fake self-pity BS and get a life? You've done nothing but whine since you got here.

geez :roll:

Booya! 10/10
<edited>. You obviously here for the wrong reasons you sugar coater. If you gave a actually crap, you would be concerned about whats going on with our athletics. Get a life poser.
@@@@@@@ TIDE
bamanaf said:
<edited>. You obviously here for the wrong reasons you sugar coater. If you gave a actually crap, you would be concerned about whats going on with our athletics. Get a life poser.
@@@@@@@ TIDE

Dude, nobody here is buying it. Now if you were only 10 or 11 yrs old, it might be believable.
HiTide said:
bamanaf said:
<edited>. You obviously here for the wrong reasons you sugar coater. If you gave a actually crap, you would be concerned about whats going on with our athletics. Get a life poser.
@@@@@@@ TIDE

Dude, nobody here is buying it. Now if you were only 10 or 11 yrs old, it might be believable.

nobody here but over on a barners board they've quoted bamanf as if he were Socrates....lmao. Did Socrates teach Sociology? :shock:
HiTide said:
bamanaf said:
<edited> You obviously here for the wrong reasons you sugar coater. If you gave a actually crap, you would be concerned about whats going on with our athletics. Get a life poser.
@@@@@@@ TIDE

Dude, nobody here is buying it. Now if you were only 10 or 11 yrs old, it might be believable.

nobody here but over on a barners board they've quoted bamanf as if he were Socrates....lmao. Did Socrates teach Sociology? :shock:
You guys are the idiots that actually read AUs boards. You're the traders not me... Did they also quote me on my thread about the Pride I have for this program and CNS. Didnt think so... Go back to their site and stay there. You guys cant take valid constructive critism. Toughen up. Wise up...
bamanaf said:
You guys are the idiots that actually read AUs boards. You're the traders not me... Did they also quote me on my thread about the Pride I have for this program and CNS. Didnt think so... Go back to their site and stay there. You guys cant take valid constructive critism. Toughen up. Wise up...

Would that be fur, mule, or livestock traders? :?

Come on, being a Barner should actually help you in answering this question.
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