| FTBL Hehe! Re; Gameday signs

I'm extremely bored and threw this photochop together. I figured some Barners would for sure be watching the broadcast and could use this :lol: ....

Joiner Teabagged Tebow

Brandon Cox for Heisman

saw these earlier and I think they're great. also I don't know if there's one like this that has been posted yet

"You get what you pay for"
I'm leanding towards:

The only thing worse than Brandon Cox?

And a picture of Corso in the Bama hat, blown up. Or possibly the other way around.

Taking suggestions for better wording.
OK, old-school here again. :D

Can we keep Auburn and Tubby out of his until we actually beat them?! Enjoy the demise of AU. I sure do and sure hope it continues. Until we beat them though they have a little more room for talking. :?

I love the GA practice ideas. Those are good! I also saw one on another board that I like. FEAR THE PROCESS. a$#
porkchop said:
I just saw a couple of funny ones on another site.

Regarding what signs fans should bring to Gameday;

"I threw Bill Curry's brick"

"Hoover HS wants Notre Dame!"

"Hey Corso. Saban has better hair"

Hoover might win. :lol:


My favorites are:

OJ Stole My Tickets


I have more rushing yards than Notre Dame.

BTW, anyone know if and when the post counts will be brought back? I'm way down from what I was. Not that it's that important, just curious.
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