I'm rarely ever in the car in the mornings for more than 10-15 minutes, but I happened to be yesterday. I listened to the entire Mac and Cube Show on the drive. It was near the end, Cole had left and McElroy was solo when he went into all that. I thought it was a little odd he went after Taylor so hard, but it was obvious that there was some stuff underneath the surface there. What really stood out to me though, was McElroy was/is bothered by the reputation that he's gotten that he's not a Bama guy. I assumed, Taylor, at some point recently has said as much, directly or indirectly... but I don't follow him on Twitter, so I don't know. And while I have my issues with some stuff McElroy does and says, I have little doubt that he's full of Bama.... so I can completely understand his frustration there. As far as the stuff he said about Taylor, he supposedly apologized on air this morning to open the show, but I wasn't tuned in. And I don't really care either way. If he meant what he said and felt that strongly about it, I didn't see it as apology worthy... but maybe he felt he went too far.