💬 Has anyone been following the McElroy/"Shank" drama??

I'm rarely ever in the car in the mornings for more than 10-15 minutes, but I happened to be yesterday. I listened to the entire Mac and Cube Show on the drive. It was near the end, Cole had left and McElroy was solo when he went into all that. I thought it was a little odd he went after Taylor so hard, but it was obvious that there was some stuff underneath the surface there. What really stood out to me though, was McElroy was/is bothered by the reputation that he's gotten that he's not a Bama guy. I assumed, Taylor, at some point recently has said as much, directly or indirectly... but I don't follow him on Twitter, so I don't know. And while I have my issues with some stuff McElroy does and says, I have little doubt that he's full of Bama.... so I can completely understand his frustration there. As far as the stuff he said about Taylor, he supposedly apologized on air this morning to open the show, but I wasn't tuned in. And I don't really care either way. If he meant what he said and felt that strongly about it, I didn't see it as apology worthy... but maybe he felt he went too far.
I think the “laziest dude on the roster” was out of line. Pretty much ALL OL get hit with the lazy tag because they are so much heavier and slower than everyone else. If my memory serves me correctly, Shank was part of the Joe Moore Award winning OL on the ‘15 Championship team. Also, I believe he suffered a couple of concussions that season as well. Does his sitting out due to concussions make him lazy?
As for Greg, I believe he is BAMA thru and thru, but he often seems to swing the other way when expressing his opinion. I don’t think it’s done intentionally. I think that he just doesn’t hear how he comes off to those of us not in his position.
I think the “laziest dude on the roster” was out of line. Pretty much ALL OL get hit with the lazy tag because they are so much heavier and slower than everyone else. If my memory serves me correctly, Shank was part of the Joe Moore Award winning OL on the ‘15 Championship team. Also, I believe he suffered a couple of concussions that season as well. Does his sitting out due to concussions make him lazy?
As for Greg, I believe he is BAMA thru and thru, but he often seems to swing the other way when expressing his opinion. I don’t think it’s done intentionally. I think that he just doesn’t hear how he comes off to those of us not in his position.

Yeah, not so sure how lazy you could be on a Saban line back during those classes.
Rhodes scholars are seldom liked for their personality. So let’s ease up on Greg. I think of it as an inevitable result of so many former Bama players entering the same space. Eventually they will criticize each other’s craft. If you’ve noticed Greg’s ascent in broadcasting (he actually called the Texas-Wash semifinal), you’d know he had his sights set on big things. And he must appear as impartial as possible in order to get where he wants to go.
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Doesn't matter to me enough to waste my time. My point is, we are rarely sorry as human beings for anything we do unless we get caught.
If you read the article you’d know that McElroy did call him, they spoke, he apologized (apology was accepted) and they agreed to put it behind them. There was no “getting caught.” McElroy admitted he was wrong.
McElroy like most men deal with imposter syndrom and can overcompensate. Not sure where I read this over the years but it gave a stat that something like 75% of men are afraid that they are one failure away from being exposed for the fraud they are. You know McElroy dealt with that his entire career because as QB's go he had average talent and I am sure he was always trying to prove himself. McElroy definitelty is trying to build his career and he is smart enough to read the culture at ESPN to see how it is done and he is following that script. I am sure he knows how Herbstreit got to where he is since they both have similar background. He wants Herbreits seat one day my opinion.
If you read the article you’d know that McElroy did call him, they spoke, he apologized (apology was accepted) and they agreed to put it behind them. There was no “getting caught.” McElroy admitted he was wrong.

He got caught. Admitting you're wrong after it blows up is getting caught, no matter how you want to spin it. Immediately apologizing or not getting defensive in a public conversation is the right move in his position. Admitting you are wrong doesn't mean you didn't mean what you said, you're just admitting you shouldn't have done what you did. No clue what I'm even wasting my time responding to you on this, again.
I"ve seen dogs bark at the sky. Not a lot different than what you have been doing. There's nothing there.

Don't start that with me. Greg is the one that popped off at the mouth and made to look foolish for it, not me. You can kiss his back side if you want, but the personality he's built for himself warrants being humbled a little. That goes for you and me as well at times.
Don't start that with me. Greg is the one that popped off at the mouth and made to look foolish for it, not me. You can kiss his back side if you want, but the personality he's built for himself warrants being humbled a little. That goes for you and me as well at times.
If there is one thing I know, without a shadow of a doubt, is you tend to jump off on subjects: to an extreme at times.

Unlike you, I've had personal experience with Greg. I'm not wrong about him, although I may be wrong about you. I don't think so...you are quick to judge. Not a big deal.
If there is one thing I know, without a shadow of a doubt, is you tend to jump off on subjects: to an extreme at times.

Unlike you, I've had personal experience with Greg. I'm not wrong about him, although I may be wrong about you. I don't think so...you are quick to judge. Not a big deal.

Not quick to judge, just quick to be honest with what has happened. Lots of people hate honesty. It's right there in black and white. It's there almost every weekend with him on TV. You've even admitted the way he comes across is different. Clearly a lot of other people see the same thing I do with how he speaks on live television/radio/social media. I stand behind everything I have said. I don't dislike Greg, don't know him personally, but appreciate all he gave to the university. Simply stating what he has put out there for everyone to see. You can keep hitting back at me all you want, but it won't sell your point anymore by playing him up and putting me down. It's funny how when you dig your feet in the sand it's everyone else that is wrong and you can never get off your pedestal. Reminds me of my 89 year old grandmomma.

Another note, I haven't said a word about him personally, just his professional work. So I'm not judging anything, it's called analyzing since I'm not guessing or insinuating. Your personal interactions with him also don't always tell a story about who someone really is. I could be all nice and sweet around you, but sticking a knife in your back as soon as you leave. A lot of athletes are like that. Sweet when the camera is on them for a photo opp and then total opposite off the field in public. So using your personal interaction, however many times that was, doesn't fit to the narrative that I'm judging him since I never questioned things I don't know about, his character or who he is.
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Yes. I have...which leads right back to this.

I'm not hitting you back. I'm saying that you are judging him without context.

I'm not judging "him". I'm stating what he put in black and white, what he gave us to go off of. That is not judging. He also put in black and white that he was wrong and apologized. To comments here on that I simply stated just because he said that doesn't mean he meant that and applied that to every single one of us. I never said "he didn't mean it", just stated we don't know if he truly meant it and if he said it he probably meant what he said. Always truth in our words. We like saying on here "you can't put the genie back in the bottle", and that applies a lot of the time when we put things in writing. Guilty of this myself.
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