| FTBL Has anybody noticed....


Verified Member
that Nick Saban hasn't blitzed as much as he was earlier this season or is it just me? I know you don't really need to with Mt. Cody in the middle, but what im getting at is that with Cody gone for at least a couple of weeks or more i think we'll see more blitzing.
Duggan27 said:
that Nick Saban hasn't blitzed as much as he was earlier this season or is it just me? I know you don't really need to with Mt. Cody in the middle, but what im getting at is that with Cody gone for at least a couple of weeks or more i think we'll see more blitzing.

Cody isn't used as much in passing situations. Saban said after the game today that he wishes he had blitzed more, but that the opportunity really didn't present itself until OM wen into their 2 minute offense.

Early in the season he didn't blitz very much though simply because he didn't need to. As the season unfolds, especially against teams like LSU, we'll see more pressure being brought. I bet the Vols see quite a bit next week too.
Yeah good point Cody usually isn't in the game duing 3rd and long but he is a big part in making it 3rd and long because teams can't run the ball on 1st and 2nd downs.
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