| FTBL Great line from Scarbinsky

I am hearing that right now it seems as if he and the entire offensive group is gone.. Nothing concrete but this is what Del Greco said from the assistants he has talked to.
weezyfbaby00 said:
Anybody here really think he's gone?

ok, i know that the tired line of my friends friends brothers cousin does'nt sit well with some but here goes, take it for what it is worth...

i have a good friend of mine who is a big auburn fan, he has a friend that works in the auburn athletic department (50 feet from tubby's office).

my buddy called me earlier this morning and said his friend told him that hugh nall, greg knox, and some other assitants (cant remember who) are gone. he said tubby came out of his office very pissed, and he didnt know if tubby was gone also but it looked as though that might be the case.

again take it for what it is worth, just thought i would share that little tid-bit.
It seems as if CTT would be right at home in Starkville. MSU and Auburn have alot in common.

Btw, as a token of their appreciation for Coach Tuberville's service, Auburn University plans to present him the following gift:


And it's made of pine, too!
my buddy called me earlier this morning and said his friend told him that hugh nall, greg knox, and some other assitants (cant remember who) are gone. he said tubby came out of his office very pissed, and he didnt know if tubby was gone also but it looked as though that might be the case.

Probably the AU administration forcing Tuberville to fire a few of his decade-long assistants (and good friends) in the hope it will upset and/or anger him enough that he will pull a Croom and refuse to do so and thus resign instead. Thus not only will the AU administration save $6MM by not paying the buyout, but actually make $6MM by Tuberville having to do so.

Only thing is, there is NO WAY Tuberville is walking away from that contract owing that amount of money. So, if I were him I would call their bluff and NOT fire the guys. Sort of like Shula and force them to fire him.

I have long held that the Auburn people will not fire Tuberville until they have his replacement signed to a contract. They were burned badly by Petrino last year and nearly let Tuberville walk without ANY buyout on the promise that Petrino would take the job. Well, Petrino balked at the last minute and Tuberville had no option but to remain or pay the buyout. Until I hear some pretty good sourced information about the NEXT Auburn coach, I will presume Tuberville will remain.
I remember in the waning days of Gene Stallings watching a Tuberville coached Ole Miss squad beat up on Georgia in Athens and telling myself that I wished UA would hire Tuberville. I really liked the way his teams played hard and physical.

NEVER in my life have I EVER been so happy to have been ignored.
rammajamma said:
BamaGradinTN said:
bear facts said:
It seems as if CTT would be right at home in Starkville. MSU and Auburn have alot in common.

And he can continue Tom Thumb's Grand Tour of the SEC West.

Long as that tour skips us. If he can wait a couple years after going to MSU, he might can go to LSU.

Bin Laden has a better chance of getting hired in Tuscaloosa. He'd be a lot better recruiter, too.
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