| FTBL Fun topic: 2009 and beyond-The Future of the Crimson Tide


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It's a kind of goofy thing to be thinking about, right in the middle of a championship hunt. I certainly don't want to jinx this wonderful season. I have not been this happy as a Tide Fan since 1999. But things have gone so well, with such a young bunch, you just have to think that this program is building toward something bigger. In other words, no more of this "every third year" bit (96,99,02,05...).

I'm excited about the future of this program. I can see us building into a power, and being in the thick of things every single year from now on. At some point, we won't be able to advertise "immediate playing time" to stud recruits. At some point, we will win own win streaks over our biggest rivals (already own UT baby!).

Something to think about. Anybody else looking WAAAAAY down the road yet? Or is everyone just soaking in 2008 too!? :D
BamaFan19 said:
I see a slight drop off next year given the loss of JPW, Caldwell, and :cry: Andre. I'm really looking forward to 2010. ALL SABAN ALL THE TIME!

Hopefully McElroy will slide into his role easily.

I don't doubt that at all, but the O'line......we could end up like Georgia is this year. Good but not great.
BamaFan19 said:
I see a slight drop off next year given the loss of JPW, Caldwell, and :cry: Andre. I'm really looking forward to 2010. ALL SABAN ALL THE TIME!

Hopefully McElroy will slide into his role easily.

I don't doubt that at all, but the O'line......we could end up like Georgia is this year. Good but not great.

Heck I'd thought we'd be good, but not great this year :lol:
ghice said:
BamaFan19 said:
I see a slight drop off next year given the loss of JPW, Caldwell, and :cry: Andre. I'm really looking forward to 2010. ALL SABAN ALL THE TIME!

Hopefully McElroy will slide into his role easily.

I don't doubt that at all, but the O'line......we could end up like Georgia is this year. Good but not great.

Heck I'd thought we'd be good, but not great this year :lol:

word. :D
Yes, it is fun to day dream and get caught up in it. I think we will be competetive each year now and will have our shot at the SEC Championship every year. National Titles well that will take team chemistry and we are in a much better position now than a year ago. Will we do it, I would love to think we would but the fact is we play in the best conference in the nation and everyone will be out to knock us off. Don't think we will have it each year, but do think we can recover in most to make it to Atlanta. All I know is the future of our program is exciting...

Roll Tide
Does it really matter? I mean think about what we all thought of this team this summer. Only a few thought we would be this good.

Im 24. I was in the 2nd grade when Alabama won its last national Championship. I was in the 10th grade when we won our last SEC Championship. I have no idea what it was like before....but i bet it feels just like it does right now.


Auburn sucks....Tennessee sucks....Notre Dame really sucks

And for the first time that i can ever remember I don't think there exist a team that we can not beat.

Welcome back to the 70's where Alabama dosn't lose star players, it reload's them.

plus The "2"nd Coming is already here and his name is Star Jackson.

I think will be fine from here on out. We only have to worry about beating ourselves.

One day I will tell my kids stories that my dad told me about The Bear. And my kids will tell their kids stories I told them about Saban.

Isn't It great to be an Alabama fan.......Roll Tide!
I think we'll find ourselves 8-0 this time next year. The key will be how our offensive line develops and recovers from the loss of Smith and Caldwell. If we can run effectively, the loss of JPW won't be fatal. McElroy's been right there, digesting this offense. Defensively, we have some stout DBs waiting in the wings.

Can we replace:

JPW - McElroy/Jackson
Stover/Oakley - Maze/Jones
Walker/McCall - Dial/Smelley
Caldwell/Smith/Davis - Pharr/Love/Fluker/Vlachos/Cardwell/et al

Greenwood - Washington/Talbert
Johnson - Barron/Lawrence/Green

I say we can, and end up with a stronger team. Again, I think Smith and Caldwell are the biggest holes to fill. I'm not minimizing JPW, just highlighting the fact that better blocking makes it all better - running and passing.
It Takes Eleven said:
I think we'll find ourselves 8-0 this time next year. The key will be how our offensive line develops and recovers from the loss of Smith and Caldwell. If we can run effectively, the loss of JPW won't be fatal. McElroy's been right there, digesting this offense. Defensively, we have some stout DBs waiting in the wings.

Can we replace:

JPW - McElroy/Jackson
Stover/Oakley - Maze/Jones
Walker/McCall - Dial/Smelley
Caldwell/Smith/Davis - Pharr/Love/Fluker/Vlachos/Cardwell/et al

Greenwood - Washington/Talbert
Johnson - Barron/Lawrence/Green

I say we can, and end up with a stronger team. Again, I think Smith and Caldwell are the biggest holes to fill. I'm not minimizing JPW, just highlighting the fact that better blocking makes it all better - running and passing.

Is Mike Johnson leaving this year or is he a jr?
Alabama is back to a smash mouth, ball control offense... but now with the added dimension of playmakers at WR (similar to the setup USC has been rolling with). On defense, we are filling things out with size and speed. A swarming, relentless defense. Both sides of the ball will showcase a physical brand of football and aim to dominate from the opening whistle until the prayer gathering at midfield.

Long live Nick Saban, and God Bless the Crimson Tide!
BamaFan19 said:
It Takes Eleven said:
I think we'll find ourselves 8-0 this time next year. The key will be how our offensive line develops and recovers from the loss of Smith and Caldwell. If we can run effectively, the loss of JPW won't be fatal. McElroy's been right there, digesting this offense. Defensively, we have some stout DBs waiting in the wings.

Can we replace:

JPW - McElroy/Jackson
Stover/Oakley - Maze/Jones
Walker/McCall - Dial/Smelley
Caldwell/Smith/Davis - Pharr/Love/Fluker/Vlachos/Cardwell/et al

Greenwood - Washington/Talbert
Johnson - Barron/Lawrence/Green

I say we can, and end up with a stronger team. Again, I think Smith and Caldwell are the biggest holes to fill. I'm not minimizing JPW, just highlighting the fact that better blocking makes it all better - running and passing.

Is Mike Johnson leaving this year or is he a jr?

He's a junior.
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