| FTBL Fact or Fiction ?????


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During the Bill Curry years there was a story of a brick being thrown through Curry's office window. I was trying to remember if this actually happened or not. My mother-in-law say's yes I say I'm not sure. Help please ????? cool8)
FWIW, and these are a few of the notes relayed to me.

Yes, there was a brick in the office.

Most of the glass was outside the building on the ground.

Second story office window, reinforced glass, it would have taken one hell of a strong arm to be able to throw a brick that high and that hard to break that glass...two of the lineman from that team told me they couldn't have done it if they had tried 100X.

I liked Gary Hollingsworth then and do to this day...but, even as ticked off as he was after that game he didn't have that strong of an arm.
RollTideRandy said:
FYI, I work across the street from Georgia St. One could say that my office is close enough to Bill Curry's that I could throw a brick through his window. :D

Betcha can't! Double Dog Dare. :wink: :lol:
TerryP said:
FWIW, and these are a few of the notes relayed to me.

Yes, there was a brick in the office.

Most of the glass was outside the building on the ground.

Second story office window, reinforced glass, it would have taken one hell of a strong arm to be able to throw a brick that high and that hard to break that glass...two of the lineman from that team told me they couldn't have done it if they had tried 100X.

I liked Gary Hollingsworth then and do to this day...but, even as ticked off as he was after that game he didn't have that strong of an arm.

I have been in Curry's Tuscaloosa home. His kitchen floor was made of brick pavers, the samples from which he chose were in his office.

Here is my understanding of the events...

On the particular day that the window was broken, there were two quarterbacks and a well known OL in his office. There was a heated discussion about who the starter should be and why...and why not. There was a brick thrown...but not from the outside.

The "brick through the window" incident was fabricated by Curry to prevent the true reason for the broken window from becoming known.

I was not present, so I cannot verify that this telling is true...but I have no reason not to believe the story as it was told to me by the OL who was present.
Big_Fan said:
TerryP said:
FWIW, and these are a few of the notes relayed to me.

Yes, there was a brick in the office.

Most of the glass was outside the building on the ground.

Second story office window, reinforced glass, it would have taken one hell of a strong arm to be able to throw a brick that high and that hard to break that glass...two of the lineman from that team told me they couldn't have done it if they had tried 100X.

I liked Gary Hollingsworth then and do to this day...but, even as ticked off as he was after that game he didn't have that strong of an arm.

I have been in Curry's Tuscaloosa home. His kitchen floor was made of brick pavers, the samples from which he chose were in his office.

Here is my understanding of the events...

On the particular day that the window was broken, there were two quarterbacks and a well known OL in his office. There was a heated discussion about who the starter should be and why...and why not. There was a brick thrown...but not from the outside.

The "brick through the window" incident was fabricated by Curry to prevent the true reason for the broken window from becoming known.

I was not present, so I cannot verify that this telling is true...but I have no reason not to believe the story as it was told to me by the OL who was present.

FWIW, there was a reason I mentioned Hollingsworth and Lineman in my earlier responses.
So, why did he have a brick in his office to begin with and if the QB's and offensive linemen walked in with one, why didn't he run?

Curry =
bamafan4ever said:
So, why did he have a brick in his office to begin with and if the QB's and offensive linemen walked in with one, why didn't he run?

Curry =

./reply/output post:

Read Big_Fan's post.

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