| OT ESPN's Danny Kanell rants about working for Nick Saban

So either I'm personally attacked or my points are ignored altogether by people saying ...
So far Saban's coaching success looks as good as his NC record. I can live with that.
I've been addressing moving forward into the future, not the past. And I'm talking about Bama's continued success, not the success of ex-Bama coaches.

Nevermind ... let me restate my position ... whoo hoo Bama number 1! Roll Tide! Saban is the best! There's absolutely nothing to question or critique! Identifying any flaws or concerns with Lord Saban and His mysterious ways is blasphemy, and we 'gon getcha!
So either I'm personally attacked or my points are ignored altogether by people saying ...

I've been addressing moving forward into the future, not the past. And I'm talking about Bama's continued success, not the success of ex-Bama coaches.

Nevermind ... let me restate my position ... whoo hoo Bama number 1! Roll Tide! Saban is the best! There's absolutely nothing to question or critique! Identifying any flaws or concerns with Lord Saban and His mysterious ways is blasphemy, and we 'gon getcha!

Either that or plan B. That gus bus can't be that hard to catch up to these days?

Though "Sullivan" is probably going to be taken if you stick with something nostalgic. Otherwise, over here, you're just badmouthing family. You know, it's always a lot more heart than head. I keep telling you these things.
So either I'm personally attacked or my points are ignored altogether by people saying ...

I've been addressing moving forward into the future, not the past. And I'm talking about Bama's continued success, not the success of ex-Bama coaches.

Nevermind ... let me restate my position ... whoo hoo Bama number 1! Roll Tide! Saban is the best! There's absolutely nothing to question or critique! Identifying any flaws or concerns with Lord Saban and His mysterious ways is blasphemy, and we 'gon getcha!

What exactly are you afraid of with the future of Alabama football? I understand you are concerned about Coach Saban running off coordinators due to his temperament. Example after example refutes your assessment but you have your own way of interpreting things so, what gives? Specifically state your concern without the side-winding, condescending bullshit. Are you afraid of a dwindling pool of OC's or position coaches? What is it?

If your premise is that Coach Saban is a detriment to this program because of his personality and unwillingness to change, you haven't been paying very much attention on how his "process" has evolved since he has been in Tuscaloosa. I rue the day he leaves Alabama because he is one of the best coaches to ever coach the game. Ever. Please, convince me otherwise. Convince me that we will be better off without his attitude and leadership at the helm. Otherwise, you strike me as a simple contrarian that likes to keep the pot stirred. Nothing more. #troll.
CNS is an imperfect perfectionist and he knows it and he knows he has flaws as all humans do. When he hires any coach, they know exactly what to expect from CNS. I don't believe CNS asks any more from any coach than he is willing to put out himself. He is not perfect but works tirelessly and gives 10,000 % of himself toward the goal of building as close as possible, a perfect football organization as he can. He also expects maximum effort from his coaches and players at practice and in games as well as the off season. He knows footbal inside out and knows when a coach is slacking or has not done enough study and calls the wrong plays in any given situation in any game. Yes they feel his wrath in the form of ass chewings or an invitation to seek a different employer. Some assistant coaches aren't willing to work as hard as is expected from CNS and don't get hired. Some existing coaches on his staff may become weary of CNS process and move on to another team where there is less pressure or a job where they don't have to work as hard. While other coaches stay a few years, learn the process and use the experience as a stepping stone, and choose to move on to a higher calling.
Either that or plan B. That gus bus can't be that hard to catch up to these days?

Though "Sullivan" is probably going to be taken if you stick with something nostalgic. Otherwise, over here, you're just badmouthing family. You know, it's always a lot more heart than head. I keep telling you these things.
Are you even remotely accusing me of being an Auburn fan??? Pff I've been on this board since its beginning. Posts like that remind me of from where most of us original members came: the infamous Bama Nazi board TideFans.com ... "You're either with us or against us! Sir, yes sir!" :puke:Gosh, that was back in the early 2000's.
What exactly are you afraid of with the future of Alabama football? I understand you are concerned about Coach Saban running off coordinators due to his temperament. Example after example refutes your assessment but you have your own way of interpreting things so, what gives? Specifically state your concern without the side-winding, condescending bullshit. Are you afraid of a dwindling pool of OC's or position coaches? What is it?

I've already painstakingly expressed my concerns. Review my previous posts in this thread and quote anything I have said that you disagree with or need further clarification on. You're being lazy by demanding I repeat myself.

If your premise is that Coach Saban is a detriment to this program because of his personality and unwillingness to change, you haven't been paying very much attention on how his "process" has evolved since he has been in Tuscaloosa. I rue the day he leaves Alabama because he is one of the best coaches to ever coach the game. Ever. Please, convince me otherwise. Convince me that we will be better off without his attitude and leadership at the helm. Otherwise, you strike me as a simple contrarian that likes to keep the pot stirred. Nothing more. #troll.
Again, you're not carefully reading my posts. I've already admitted he is the best. Moreover, I've never claimed we will be better off without him. You're using Straw Men and Red Herrings. Whose the troll, now????
Are you even remotely accusing me of being an Auburn fan??? Pff I've been on this board since its beginning. Posts like that remind me of from where most of us original members came: the infamous Bama Nazi board TideFans.com ... "You're either with us or against us! Sir, yes sir!" :puke:Gosh, that was back in the early 2000's.

If it helps you to have some common ground here, I didn't have any more success at TideFans than you. Talk about big brother?

The answer would be no, I don't suggest anyone that disagrees with me is a barner. You merely spoke of your options around here since you seem to disagree with the many. I was facetiously helping you to appreciate there are options beyond just kissing up to all things Bama. Keep your sarcasm button on with me and I'll send you more of these. :)
You guys are rookies. After my initial banning at TF, I went back with the express purpose causing the mods ulcers. My Rafiki personna was pure gold. The shrink loved me and thought I was witty and funny........although talking about myself in the 3rd person gave her headaches. Then BAM......I kicked her and one of the socialist mods right in the whistle sack.

Managed to get banned 3 times over there. They are real touchy in their "no holds barred" political forum.
Cecil writes:

We can only guess what Saban wants implemented now, or how flexible he will be in granting leeway to install something new. He can be flexible, which is why I never bought into the notion that some sort of philosophical discord was at the root of Sarkisian's departure.
While I do have some concern if Saban is too demanding and constricting on his OCs ... my larger concern about personality conflicts comes to mind with Cecil's latter point. If there was no philosophical discord, then what other objection would Sark have, if not personality? Some say, "But an OC job in the NFL is a no brainer!" I don't think so if the alternative is the OC job at Bama with the offensive talent we have stockpiled ... unless Saban is too smothering.

But if I had to guess, I'd say the question gnawing at Saban after Alabama's last-second loss to Clemson is how he could field a defense that was just about as good as you could possibly have in modern college football (and the 2016 defense was that) and still not win a championship or stop a final drive. Clemson was good, no mistake, but the Tigers were much better after Alabama's best defenders had been in the field for 100 snaps.

This is what I mean about the game changing in ways that make the "old school" approach suspect. I've posted this many times in the past, but if you can recruit ballers at QB, RB, and WR, you can worry less about competing against the elite programs like Bama which bring in the best linemen. You can develop an offensive strategy to compensate for being outmatched at the LOS. Sit back in shot gun, use wide splits in the OL, rely on your QB to run around and/or toss it up to your 6-3, 6-4, 6-5 WRs. This means that you're willing to abuse your defense by lengthening games, surrendering lots of points/yards. But in this atmosphere of college post-season, defenses don't tackle well anyway. So a Clemson-type team is deciding to put all their chips in their Heisman-quality QB and blue-chip WRs. Other commentators have already begun saying that the longer the season in college gets, the poorer the defenses perform because of the grind. Well this plays right into the hands of high-scoring offenses. And let's face it, we were two miraculous special teams plays away from losing the first time against Clemson.

Simply put, Saban's emphasis on defensive football works better in the olden days with shorter seasons.

The reason for that, paradoxically, was offense, not just the number of points scored but the ability to stay on the field, play physical football and complement the defense in that way. Look at Alabama's recent recruiting class and that seems to be where Saban is headed, not to some version of what Oregon once did. That doesn't answer the question of who might be the top candidate, but it does provide a signpost, possibly, to Saban's direction.

I've made the same observation. The quality of OL (if recruiting rankings matter) we have on our roster this season, the RBs, and the largest number of big TEs we've had since Saban has been here all points in the direction of returning to a 2-TE, 2-WR base set. Which I happen to prefer anyway. I always said back when we had AJ at QB, if only AJ could scramble and take off too, we've be unstoppable.

So I don't know. It will be interesting to see what transpires.
Musso is an azz. I don't always agree with him but I like people that aren't timid about speaking their minds. I like Charles Barkley, Donald Trump, etc.

Back in his playing days, the Chuckster was the hoot. His colorful takes with TNT has been legendary and for me brought back a lot of the fun in round ball. But, Chuck isn't evolving. These days, he just seems mad at the sport. He's not embracing the social change and big personalities that have come along. That's a shame, fun was his best quality, but now all his serious gloom and doom predictions for the league just makes him sound old.
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