| OT ESPN's Danny Kanell rants about working for Nick Saban


ESPN college football analyst and former Florida State quarterback Danny Kanell isn't afraid to criticize the Southeastern Conference, and on Tuesday he even went in on

ESPN college football analyst and former Florida State quarterback Danny Kanell isn't afraid to criticize the Southeastern Conference, and on Tuesday he even went in on Nick Saban.

When discussing Steve Sarkisian's choice to leave his offensive coordinator post with the Crimson Tide for the same title with the Atlanta Falcons, Kanell went on a mini rant on his radio show with co-host Ryen Russillo.

"I don't think any coach wants to coach for Nick Saban," Kanell said. "I don't think any coach wants to go there and is like, 'Hey, I want to be a lifetime assistant for Nick Saban. They do it as a stepping stone to get there. If you have these two opportunities there, you'd much rather be an offensive coordinator with the Atlanta Falcons than the Alabama Crimson Tide. Without question. It is a ton of work. I think you're going to have to sludge through it. You're gonna have to be there as soon as the lights come on and you're gonna have to leave when it's late at night. It's part of being a Nick Saban assistant - you have to put in hours that are insane hours and go through things you wouldn't have to at other jobs."

Kanell probably doesn't realize that coaches have left Saban's staff - and then returned again at a later date. If it's just a stepping stone job that people only want to hold once, as Kanell clains, it would be interesting to hear his take on guys like Lance Thompson, Kevin Steele, Derrick Ansley and others.
Who the hell EVER goes into a position hoping to ever be a lifetime assistant? Anyone with drive and being hired in these positions has the aspirations or intentions to gain experience from the best and move up.

Do we call this a rant or simply stating common sense about human nature? Or just a guy using the best coach on the big stage to keep even himself relevant?
Kanell= ULTIMATE TROLL No one can be this stupid!! I don't like him, don't listen to him, don't follow him! As far as being an assistant coach goes, he has no clue what their aspirations are or why they even chose that profession. I chose education and coaching so I could stay involved with athletics. I could help mold a kid into a young man. I could pass my knowledge of the game along to young guys and hopefully, they would develop the same type of love and respect for the game that I have. After 1 year as an assistant, I was thrown in to the fire as HC for the baseball program at my first school. For the next 5 years, that program was mine!! A lot of work goes into being the HC!! I chose to give up my baseball duties in an attempt to focus on becoming a better football coach. I didn't want to become the HC for football though. I wanted to become an OC. I changed schools looking for a better opportunity. In the end though, OC wasn't in the cards for me and I even applied for the HC position twice here at my current employer. Some wanted to say that I was upset, so they started the rumor that I would stick it to the current HC the first chance I got. The same guy that I helped survive his first 2 years here would eventually ask me to "volunteer" my time, knowledge, and experience for him because he thought my work ethic was lacking. I walked away from the sport I love that day and have not returned. I don't miss those long hours away from my wife and kids. I do miss working with those kids though. That was why I chose to coach!!! Kanell doesn't know shit about the profession!!!
I would say Kirby as as close to a lifetime assistant as you could come by...

And, I too would go to the Atlanta Falcons as the OC over the Bama job... 1. Atlanta is a much bigger city and offers a lot more than Ttown. 2. You no longer have to "recruit", which is just a year long grind. 3. More than likely the pay is better (although I think Bama could match if wanted). 4. In the pros you have the chance to work with the same players and set up schemes over many years and draft to that scheme. In college you most likely have to fit your scheme to the players you recruit. (However, at Bama we seem to get the recruits we want so it's a bit like a draft for us).

Kanell acts like working hard long hours is "bad"... In reality, it's what is required to be the best. I would put forward coaches that don't want to be the best most likely don't want to coach at Bama. Those that want to be the best, do. It's pretty much the same for the players too.

I would also put forward to be the best TV/Radio personality/NFL starting QB requires LONG HARD hours to be at the top of the game... something Kanell isn't willing to do and hence isn't that good as a TV/Radio personality and was a short term backup QB in the NFL.
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I think Danny has been butt hurt every sense he couldn't make it in the NFL. Never heard him say a bad word about the ACC. I guess ESPN has money to waste!
DK is about a half step above Skip Bayless on the ladder that comes up out of the sewer. Bayless is still up to his chin in dookie, DK is wet up to his waist
I use to like Skip(not really, I like the guy that was the UT fan), when he was doing that Take 10 are what even it was called it chance the name so much.
Without knowing any inside information and only looking at the oddities of the situation, I can't help but think Saban needs to chill the f out as a HC. You can be a perfectionist and detail oreinted without being abusive. West Coast people like Lane and Sark and younger generations in general, just aren't going to accept verbal abuse, much less during games on the sideline in front of fellow coaches, players, fans, and the whole viewing audience. Saban needs to make a connection that his "ass chewings" are a direct result from how demanding his father was on him. The explosive expression of his displeasure in the performance of his coaches and players is really just his inner child still wounded by the lack of paternal affirmation and never feeling good enough for his father's approval. In order to keep attracting the best and brightest, Saban needs to work on his temper. He needs to be told how belittling it is to gloat to the media that he "ass chewed" a staff member.
Without knowing any inside information and only looking at the oddities of the situation, I can't help but think Saban needs to chill the f out as a HC. You can be a perfectionist and detail oreinted without being abusive. West Coast people like Lane and Sark and younger generations in general, just aren't going to accept verbal abuse, much less during games on the sideline in front of fellow coaches, players, fans, and the whole viewing audience. Saban needs to make a connection that his "ass chewings" are a direct result from how demanding his father was on him. The explosive expression of his displeasure in the performance of his coaches and players is really just his inner child still wounded by the lack of paternal affirmation and never feeling good enough for his father's approval. In order to keep attracting the best and brightest, Saban needs to work on his temper. He needs to be told how belittling it is to gloat to the media that he "ass chewed" a staff member.

Surely you are joking right?
So you're telling me assistant coaches don't want to be assistant coaches forever? And want to use an Alabama assistant job as a stepping stone? All this time I thought being an assistant coach was where every coach wanted to end his career... BLASPHEMY. I'm shocked.
Kanell is trolling Alabama fans, it's his favorite thing. He is clueless and has absolutely no idea about what its like to coach for Nick Saban - he would probably be at the bottom of the list right next to Skip Bayless of people ex-Alabama coaches would ever want to talk to - he just says this shit to piss off Alabama fans because he knows how vocal they are.

Get ready for a ton of it coming too with Alabama playing FSU in the opener. It's going to get worse over the Summer and I guarantee he predicts that FSU mud stomps Alabama. Then when Alabama skull drags FSU into 1956 he will say it's because FSU wasn't ready for it and after they win 8 or 9 games in the soft ass ACC he will say that "if FSU and Alabama played today the game would be much different."
Kanell is trolling Alabama fans, it's his favorite thing. He is clueless and has absolutely no idea about what its like to coach for Nick Saban - he would probably be at the bottom of the list right next to Skip Bayless of people ex-Alabama coaches would ever want to talk to - he just says this **** to piss off Alabama fans because he knows how vocal they are.

Get ready for a ton of it coming too with Alabama playing FSU in the opener. It's going to get worse over the Summer and I guarantee he predicts that FSU mud stomps Alabama. Then when Alabama skull drags FSU into 1956 he will say it's because FSU wasn't ready for it and after they win 8 or 9 games in the soft ass ACC he will say that "if FSU and Alabama played today the game would be much different."

Every word of this! BOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
i'd also like to add...

how would he actually know what it's like to work for Coach Saban? has he ever worked for him before? how does he now, with 100% certainty, that what he's told about working for him is true?
Without knowing any inside information and only looking at the oddities of the situation, I can't help but think Saban needs to chill the f out as a HC. You can be a perfectionist and detail oreinted without being abusive. West Coast people like Lane and Sark and younger generations in general, just aren't going to accept verbal abuse, much less during games on the sideline in front of fellow coaches, players, fans, and the whole viewing audience. Saban needs to make a connection that his "ass chewings" are a direct result from how demanding his father was on him. The explosive expression of his displeasure in the performance of his coaches and players is really just his inner child still wounded by the lack of paternal affirmation and never feeling good enough for his father's approval. In order to keep attracting the best and brightest, Saban needs to work on his temper. He needs to be told how belittling it is to gloat to the media that he "ass chewed" a staff member.

Stop trying to psychoanalyze relationships you see bits and pieces of in 15-20 second intervals....
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