| PRO DL and dogs

Uh, obviously.

What's more cruel than keeping and birthing animals in captivity, bonding with them in some cases, separating offspring from parents if profitable, feeding them unnatural food to satisfy the tastes of consumers and to lower costs, then slaughtering them, etc.? It's just stupid to get offended by how other humans treat animals when you're willing to consume animals treated in all the ways listed above. At the end of the day, animals sustain humanity. They are for our well being. Do I approve of harsh treatment for entertainment purposes? Of course not, but I don't approve of harsh treatment for slaughtering purposes either ... unless I can't afford anything else to eat or if that's the only food available. At the end of the day they exist for us.

Yes, I agree but the context of cruelties is the basis of this discussion. For me, the means of food supply should be about an effecient means to an end but done with some form of mindful execution. The intent isn't barbarism. Clearly the definition of what is barbarism is the debate. Some folsk cannot eat veal because of the tortuous means of which it is attained. That's fair. Its a good debate that is needed & has evolved as the means have changed along with better understanding of the animals being slaughtered. The debate must continue on.

However, most sensible people can see the obvious difference of pet ownership compared to consumption. And people who neglect their pet, or abuse the pet for the sake of their sociopathic tendencies (who cannot discern cruelty in any form, context) need to face the effects of the law. And there isn't room for much that debate.
I don't agree with Buggs here
and he deserves everything that comes his way.
The libertarian in me says he deserves social pressure and censure from those who wish to do so. He doesn't deserve police intervention so long as humans remains so ill-served by our government, courts, and law enforcement. Humans deserve to be served and protected before animals with scare public resources. Humans > animals. Human abuse > animal abuse.

Consider what an animal's life, especially domesticated, would be like in the wild, beyond the captive ownership of humans. Survival in the wild would be brutal for a domesticated animal missing the tools of its wild ancestor. And we all know that you don't die in the wild; you're torn apart and killed just by showing weakness and frailty.

Again I'm trying to bring perspective to your privileged, First World problem.

The libertarian in me says he deserves social pressure and censure from those who wish to do so. He doesn't deserve police intervention so long as humans remains so ill-served by our government, courts, and law enforcement. Humans deserve to be served and protected before animals with scare public resources. Humans > animals. Human abuse > animal abuse.

Consider what an animal's life, especially domesticated, would be like in the wild, beyond the captive ownership of humans. Death likely from another predator tearing it apart. Death form natural causes doesn't happen in the wild. You show weakness or frailty in the wild, you don't die, you get killed and eaten. Before that consider what survival would be like for a domesticated animal, missing the tools of its wild ancestor. Brutal.

Again I'm trying to bring perspective to your privileged, First World problem.

I agree with everything you're saying here. To be fair, 90% of humans would get torn a part in the wild as well. Zero survival skills, zero instincts, and their domesticated lives would doom their ability to survive. Hell, take HVAC from them and see what would happen.
most sensible people can see the obvious difference of pet ownership compared to consumption.
Yeeeees ... agreed. But you're neglecting where pet ownership and consumption overlap. They exist for our pleasure. This is why animals go extinct all the time. Animals we don't value or seemingly benefit us, go unprotected. Don't get so sentimental. At the end of the day, if nothing but dogs remained from the animal kingdom, would you not eat a dog rather than another human??? I'm trying to get you to dispense with the pretense of having a bleeding heart.
And people who neglect their pet, or abuse the pet for the sake of their sociopathic tendencies (who cannot discern cruelty in any form, context) need to face the effects of the law.
No, speak clearly. YOU need them to face the effects of the law. But I NEED you to understand this quote, which came to my mind:
The propensity of our contemporaries to demand authoritarian prohibition as soon as something does not please them, and their readiness to submit to such prohibitions even when what is prohibited is quite agreeable to them shows how deeply ingrained the spirit of servility still remains within them. It will require many long years of self-education until the subject can turn himself into the citizen. A free man must be able to endure it when his fellow men act and live otherwise than he considers proper. He must free himself from the habit, just as soon as something does not please him, of calling for the police. -- von Mises, Liberalism 1927
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