| PRO DL and dogs

Reading the article he is claiming the City of Tuscaloosa is setting him up so he will release his business license and I guess sell his business. Doesn't meet the smell test but he should get his day in court.
Reading the article he is claiming the City of Tuscaloosa is setting him up so he will release his business license and I guess sell his business. Doesn't meet the smell test but he should get his day in court.

The city council can just revoke his business license if they wish. That's usually a last resort thing, but they can do it.
What’s the deal with his hookah lounge? I’m out of the loop.

Not paying taxes on it and overcrowding which on one occasion led to him shoving the TPD chief of police (and a resisting arrest charge). Additionally, he and his brother supposedly pulled a gun(s) on and threatened some gal there that upset them with a (gasp) eye roll (earning him a menacing charge).
Not paying taxes on it and overcrowding which on one occasion led to him shoving the TPD chief of police (and a resisting arrest charge). Additionally, he and his brother supposedly pulled a gun(s) on and threatened some gal there that upset them with a (gasp) eye roll (eante him a menacing charge).
Published yesterday:

Not defending any of Buggs' other antics and behaviors, but it has always annoyed me that there are animal cruelty laws on the books. As far as I'm concerned, when the government/law enforcement finally stops being cruel to humans, then moves on to mitigating, rather than inciting, civilian-on-civilian cruelty, maybe then I would support animal cruelty laws. Jesus, talk about misplaced priorities.
Not defending any of Buggs' other antics and behaviors, but it has always annoyed me that there are animal cruelty laws on the books. As far as I'm concerned, when the government/law enforcement finally stops being cruel to humans, then moves on to mitigating, rather than inciting, civilian-on-civilian cruelty, maybe then I would support animal cruelty laws. Jesus, talk about misplaced priorities.

Yeah, but the animals have no voice. Humans do. I like to think we aren't pets, but a lot of pet sheep out there.
Yeah, but the animals have no voice. Humans do. I like to think we aren't pets, but a lot of pet sheep out there.
What do you mean they have no voice??? They make sounds, don't they??? Besides, what's the relevance of that? At the end of the day, we eat animals to sustain ourselves.
I was thinking about some Chinese food for lunch until ...
Those chinks are so cruel to their dogs! Pfff ... the animal cruelty argument sounds like the ethical vegan argument even though agriculture kills all sorts of animals. Nevermind that "non-sentient" plants also feel stress from damage and harm from humans. Morality applies to homo sapiens, alone.
Those chinks are so cruel to their dogs! Pfff ... the animal cruelty argument sounds like the ethical vegan argument even though agriculture kills all sorts of animals. Nevermind that "non-sentient" plants also feel stress from damage and harm from humans. Morality applies to homo sapiens, alone.
I get your point though the analogies are a little...questionable?

When we have the Michael Vick's enter the conversation I'm not a fan.
Those chinks are so cruel to their dogs! Pfff ... the animal cruelty argument sounds like the ethical vegan argument even though agriculture kills all sorts of animals. Nevermind that "non-sentient" plants also feel stress from damage and harm from humans. Morality applies to homo sapiens, alone.

Animal cruelty laws are not geared at the morality of killing them for food. Rather, that people can do some extremely cruel things to the animals strictly for the their own entertainment, sociopathic, or neglectful tendancies. Simply put, it is barbaric to do so to any animal species.
What do you mean they have no voice??? They make sounds, don't they??? Besides, what's the relevance of that? At the end of the day, we eat animals to sustain ourselves.

Talking about dogs that we purchase and inherit as pets. The relevance??? That even an actual question here? You are their master and they pretty much have to do what you say or they get beaten, left to die, rehomed, and abandoned. Don't think that happens, think again. You think Vick's dogs wanted to fight one another? No, they were trained to fight and if they didn't or quit they were executed and electrocuted. Buggs' dogs had no chance being chained to a porch at an abandoned home. What if I chained you to a porch and taped your mouth shut? You blaming yourself or the person that did it to you? Terrance Cody, same deal. It's bullshit. I'm not talking to the point of raising our food. I'm talking about calling an animal a pet and then abusing it. No difference in that and a child. As humans we treat our own this way and there is no excuse for that either. Before any comments get made, I'm a hunter and eat what I kill, so not a PETA guy, but I'm also not hunting and inflicting pain on pets.
Animal cruelty laws are not geared at the morality of killing them for food.
Uh, obviously.
Rather, that people can do some extremely cruel things to the animals strictly for the their own entertainment, sociopathic, or neglectful tendancies.
What's more cruel than keeping and birthing animals in captivity, bonding with them in some cases, separating offspring from parents if profitable, feeding them unnatural food to satisfy the tastes of consumers and to lower costs, then slaughtering them, etc.? It's just stupid to get offended by how other humans treat animals when you're willing to consume animals treated in all the ways listed above. At the end of the day, animals sustain humanity. They are for our well being. Do I approve of harsh treatment for entertainment purposes? Of course not, but I don't approve of harsh treatment for slaughtering purposes either ... unless I can't afford anything else to eat or if that's the only food available. At the end of the day they exist for us.
Uh, obviously.

What's more cruel than keeping and birthing animals in captivity, bonding with them in some cases, separating offspring from parents if profitable, feeding them unnatural food to satisfy the tastes of consumers and to lower costs, then slaughtering them, etc.? It's just stupid to get offended by how other humans treat animals when you're willing to consume animals treated in all the ways listed above. At the end of the day, animals sustain humanity. They are for our well being. Do I approve of harsh treatment for entertainment purposes? Of course not, but I don't approve of harsh treatment for slaughtering purposes either ... unless I can't afford anything else to eat or if that's the only food available. At the end of the day they exist for us.

I do not disagree with you at all here. I can say with a straight face that my wife makes sure to build our diet around ethical companies and businesses that treat their animals better than the places I know you are describing. It costs us a lot more money, but the way they are treated means something to us over the exact measures you're eluding to above. This could be a reason why we agree, but disagree, because we hold ourselves to a standard that most don't, nor do they even possibly have knowledge of like slaughter houses and chicken farms. I don't agree with Buggs here and he deserves everything that comes his way. He brought an animal into his life and abandoned it, inhumanely on top of that. Zero room for that, and we know that breeds behaviors through generations just like dog fighting, cock fighting, and other events where animals are forced to fight outside of their natural habitats. They are not for our entertainment, although dogs have been bred for a host of human needs for centuries, so chasing down your ducks, protecting a family, medical companions, snow travel, drug dogs, and a ton of other reasons. The evolution of some animals is beyond "exist for us" at this point, because beating, abusing, and killing animals for entertainment ain't it.
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