*******here is the deal. Destin can ask for anything he wants, because he, like every other draftee (except college SRs) has leverage to go to school. In Destin's case, he also has football as leverage, which is important for this reason. As a recruited athlete, the MLB team that drafted him, the Nationals, can spread his bonus payment out over 5 years, which usually means a higher bonus will be allowed/done by MLB. The Nationals can pay him more because MLB rules allow them to account for the bonus over that time period, making it easier to budget a larger bonus, while not incurring too much wraft from the MLB office for exceeding so called slotting "requirements" which are not requirements but recommendations.
Having represented baseball players in this draft, i can tell you this. Hood would not have been drafted this high at all if he had indicated in any way that he was going to Alabama to play football. You dont pick a gy this high as a team unless you have done your due diligence (talked extensively to the player) and determined that he will sign. Negotiations may take all summer and the team now has a deadline that they have to meet, or lose the right to the player.
Expect Destin to announce that once the nationals fail to meet his demands, that he will go to Alabama..then announce late in the summer, that he will play baseball...its all negotiating, and it may take awhile depending on what the Nationals want to do and how aggressive they will be.
Once he enrolls at Alabama, the Nationals lose all rights to him, so dont expect him to show up for sumemr workouts and then go play baseball. he will sign and have a clause that the Nationals will pay for him to go to college if and when he decides to go for any reason. So, if he does not make it in baseball, the Nationals will pay for him to go to Bama..and he would not count on our scholarship totals if he ever did that.
hope this helps..