I don't know if it's that cut and dry.
Here we have housing prices that have skyrocketed, which means fewer rentals or more expensive rentals, and the service industry is getting pushed out of the area. The average income here is low, so that plays a major part. Montana already had a problem where people had to leave the state to make money. It's gotten much worse to a degree, but those who can work remote are unaffected and helping to drive up the housing prices.
I've read that in other areas people have used this whole covid situation as a reason to get out of the service industry. They're just fed up with the whole thing.
People are using Uber eats, etc to have food delivered, the people at the restaurant don't get the tips, the Uber eats driver does. So that's playing a part.
Then we have this concept of social programs that frankly will hurt us in the end. But we keep giving out money.
A real mess is what this has become.