| LIFE CV-19: Effects on life, work, and sports

Fact is that 99% of “testing” has been misleading. Most positive Coronavirus tests are Not CoVID 19, there is a huge difference!!!
Less that 15000 Confirmed CoVID 19 cases world wide, outside of China....
The reason there is not a ton of testing in the US, because we are only testing people with actual symptoms...
Actually only one 100% confirmed case of CoVID 19 in Florida (Orlando area) all other cases are some sort of Coronavirus. Not confirmed CoVID 19.
I’m not saying this is some joke or something, but come on people, back away from the ledge!!!
The treatment for this patient was to go home and stay there...
The elderly are extremely vulnerable to this, and it spreads easily and at this point tends to survive on surfaces longer that most flu bugs.
Fact is that 99% of “testing” has been misleading. Most positive Coronavirus tests are Not CoVID 19, there is a huge difference!!!
Less that 15000 Confirmed CoVID 19 cases world wide, outside of China....
The reason there is not a ton of testing in the US, because we are only testing people with actual symptoms...
Actually only one 100% confirmed case of CoVID 19 in Florida (Orlando area) all other cases are some sort of Coronavirus. Not confirmed CoVID 19.
I’m not saying this is some joke or something, but come on people, back away from the ledge!!!
The treatment for this patient was to go home and stay there...
The elderly are extremely vulnerable to this, and it spreads easily and at this point tends to survive on surfaces longer that most flu bugs.

I don't get the sense anyone is near a ledge as you suggest. There is without a doubt reason for concern in my opinion...as demonstrated by all of the actions that have transpired to date.
Coronavirus is a generic term like flu. It covers a whole family of viruses, including some that only cause the common cold. COVID-19 is a particular coronavirus that we are dealing with right now. BTW, COVID-19 is also known as SARS-CoV-2, yes that SARS.
I think once things calm down, one wholesale change is going to be no more of these work sick warriors. Some people have always gone on into work even when they were sick with flu colds, bronchitis, etc. That mess is over.
With all that being said, general cleanliness and social distancing, seems to be the correct course of action. Sucks for the sports aspect of it, but probably the best thing to do.
I honestly think this is a statistics driven event. We are trying to make sure we do not over run our health care system if there were to be enough serious cases needing treatment. Were that to occur people would have to make difficult decisions about who to treat and who not to treat. No idea of the math is accurate but I suspect most on this board have seen the the exponential growth simulation that shows how this "could" get out of hand if not dealt with.
I honestly think this is a statistics driven event. We are trying to make sure we do not over run our health care system if there were to be enough serious cases needing treatment. Were that to occur people would have to make difficult decisions about who to treat and who not to treat. No idea of the math is accurate but I suspect most on this board have seen the the exponential growth simulation that shows how this "could" get out of hand if not dealt with.

That is my understanding as well, it's about reducing the potential impact to the healthcare system. Italy is already struggling with this in certain regions.
Read an article that referenced a couple of scientists who stated covid 19 could only come from a place that had all “5 branches” (think that was the term) of coronavirus. USA was the only place that supposedly had all 5. Really made an appearance on the scene after the CDC issued a cease and desist type order to an Army bioweapons research Ft. The scientists were Japanese and Taiwanese. Twenty of the deaths in Washington were from a single elderly care facility, several in their 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s.
I saw someone literally crying last night because there was no hand soap in any of the stores. I reached over and handed them a pack of Lever 2000 bar soap. They looked at me like I was insane. I told them "put a bar at your bathroom sink. Don't you realize that this does the same thing thing as liquid handsoap?" And they told me that it did not. Oh well. So they are choosing nothing over a regular bar of soap because it's not in some little plastic pump dispenser. SMH....
I'm not sure how you can say "got on this relatively quickly" far from the case. We have been the very worst of major countries as far as testing goes.
Epic failure.

Look at other countries....look a US....
Could have been better...maybe ok...
And movement in and around this country is much more free....much greater chance of spread....
And yet?....
And did say"relatively"....
And i think....people are taking it seriously......least around these parts....
But whatever
@MunchyOs, there are some stories floating around out there that I doubt when I hear them, but then face reality.

Side note ... ya know who has toilet paper, paper towels, and all that other shit? Your local Ace Hardware. Bet ya.
I saw someone literally crying last night because there was no hand soap in any of the stores. I reached over and handed them a pack of Lever 2000 bar soap. They looked at me like I was insane. I told them "put a bar at your bathroom sink. Don't you realize that this does the same thing thing as liquid handsoap?" And they told me that it did not. Oh well. So they are choosing nothing over a regular bar of soap because it's not in some little plastic pump dispenser. SMH....
Lol.....wellcant fix stupid...its said...
You own stock?...lol
Not in Ace.

Just weird coincidences ... needed a little caulk after installing new bathroom floors. Not much, mind you, one of those "squirt" type sizes. They had it at Family Dollar. But, no tp or paper towels.

Ran to Ace to buy some stain for the shoe molding around the vanity. They had, shelves full, of tp and paper towels. More in the back.

All that said, I do LOVE my local Ace; Duncan's. Within an 1/8th of a mile I've picked up stain, propane, and beer...all owned by the same guy. The GM at that store...been there 15+ years. Good fella. I put in a drainage/pump system in the yard a few years ago, didn't buy anything from him, but looked at what he had first. He stopped by, literally, two times a day just to see how I put the system in.

Luckly, around these parts, there's some very good hardware stores. Grayco ... top notch. You'll have six to eight ask you if you need help before getting out of that place.
Read an article that referenced a couple of scientists who stated covid 19 could only come from a place that had all “5 branches” (think that was the term) of coronavirus. USA was the only place that supposedly had all 5. Really made an appearance on the scene after the CDC issued a cease and desist type order to an Army bioweapons research Ft. The scientists were Japanese and Taiwanese. Twenty of the deaths in Washington were from a single elderly care facility, several in their 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s.

It started in China. U.S. bioweapons had nothing to do with it.
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