| FTBL Can some of you video/pc geeks help? (This will rock)


Verified Member
Ok. I need some of you good-with-pc types to take the sound from this clip (it will rock your face off) and make and Alabama Football video clip to this exact soundtrack from THIS video.


Email me on this or hit me on the forum with it.

I would even be willing to swap phone numbers to get this done.

This will melt the faces off HALF the male Alabama fan base under the age of 40 if we can use this clip, and show the teams we have beaten.

Listen to it, esp the first 40 seconds, and envision how we were SUPPOSED to be this year against how we ARE.

Someone show me some love. This is a good idea.

I know some of you might not get it...but some of you will. Hit me back if you get it. Hit me back if you want to help. I know next to nothing about making videos on PC.

Just IMAGINE seeing some badass clips of Cody hitting people. Jones scoring or Coffee laying down the boom. Imagine Rashad intercepting someone to this music against the voice over on this clip.


No I have not been drinking.
Ok...not much anyway. ;)
Swamptick said:
Ok. I need some of you good-with-pc types to take the sound from this clip (it will rock your face off) and make and Alabama Football video clip to this exact soundtrack from THIS video.


Email me on this or hit me on the forum with it.

I would even be willing to swap phone numbers to get this done.

This will melt the faces off HALF the male Alabama fan base under the age of 40 if we can use this clip, and show the teams we have beaten.

Listen to it, esp the first 40 seconds, and envision how we were SUPPOSED to be this year against how we ARE.

Someone show me some love. This is a good idea.

I know some of you might not get it...but some of you will. Hit me back if you get it. Hit me back if you want to help. I know next to nothing about making videos on PC.

Just IMAGINE seeing some badass clips of Cody hitting people. Jones scoring or Coffee laying down the boom. Imagine Rashad intercepting someone to this music against the voice over on this clip.


No I have not been drinking.
Ok...not much anyway. ;)

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