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rammajamma said:

rammajamma, when you finally leave this world, I hope purgatory for you is being stuck on an elevator with Rick Astley music playing endlessly in the background.

Since the day that song first aired on radio and MTV, it has graced Factor's list of his Top 100 Most Hated Songs. Just ask my wife; she had to passed the "I don't like Rick Astley, either" test before I would ask her to marry me. We even got up and walked out of a bar in Baton Rouge once when that song was played.

rj, Carville already had put me in a p.o. mood today, and now you follow up with some Rick Rolled crap. I guess karma isn't one of your priorities for 2008.
Where is the Islamic Republic of Iran Investigative and disciplinary society completely in touch with all principles and edicts of the Supreme Leader the most revered Ayatollah Syyed Khamenei to administer Real Iranian justice regarding this post?
Referee said:
Where is the Islamic Republic of Iran Investigative and disciplinary society completely in touch with all principles and edicts of the Supreme Leader the most revered Ayatollah Syyed Khamenei to administer Real Iranian justice regarding this post?

Settle down Beavis! :lol:
That pic of Mrs. Clinton is driving me crazy. I want to hit her over the head with one of those "wack a mole" hammers.

Been awhile since I have heard "Rick Rolled" thrown around. LOL
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