| OT Brandon Van de Graaff are your Cow loose?

I almost hit a cow once, going about 70 MPH near Silverhill, AL. It was around midnight and the damn thing was standing in the middle of a county road. It would have been most unpleasant for the both of us.
My dad had a 1966 Chevy II Nova. He and my Mother came around a curve right in the middle was a cow. He hit it head on. But he did drive the car back home which was about 40 miles away. You couldn't do that today! My Mom told him he should go talk with someone, he told her no cow across sign. He told her no one would say the cow was there.
I almost hit a cow once, going about 70 MPH near Silverhill, AL. It was around midnight and the damn thing was standing in the middle of a county road. It would have been most unpleasant for the both of us.
Had a similar experience in HS. Coming home from my girlfriend’s house and trying to beat curfew. Rounded a curve by what is now the Corner Middle School, there was black angus standing in the middle of the road, I was passed it before I realized just how close I had come to us both becoming hamburger!! Drove 30mph the rest of the way home!!
Had a similar experience in HS. Coming home from my girlfriend’s house and trying to beat curfew. Rounded a curve by what is now the Corner Middle School, there was black angus standing in the middle of the road, I was passed it before I realized just how close I had come to us both becoming hamburger!! Drove 30mph the rest of the way home!!

Ha! I think there's a reason that ten-codes for a most of Alabama contain one that read something like, "cow/livestock in roadway".
I almost hit a cow once, going about 70 MPH near Silverhill, AL. It was around midnight and the damn thing was standing in the middle of a county road. It would have been most unpleasant for the both of us.
Been there. Girl I knew actually hit one, shitty situation. Craziest thing I almost hit was an emu, was wondering what was in that homegrown but found out it got out of someone's farm and I did actually see it.
Been there. Girl I knew actually hit one, shitty situation. Craziest thing I almost hit was an emu, was wondering what was in that homegrown but found out it got out of someone's farm and I did actually see it.

Hitting an emu would bother me I think... not like an armadillo where you feel a sense of accomplishment. There used to be roosters that hung out (maybe still do?) along Kicker Rd. in Tuscaloosa... an odd place for them to be out and about, but they were. At one time, I traveled that road almost daily and it's amazing I never took one out. The closest I've ever come to a bad animal accident, close than the cow even, was a huge mule deer buck was loose on I-80 outside Salt Lake City, playing frogger. I was driving a Kia Minivan (rental). No idea how I (and everyone around me) missed it and avoided wrecking... had to be a Hand of God type deal... It was like something out of the Matrix where everything went slow-mo for a few seconds...
Hitting an emu would bother me I think... not like an armadillo where you feel a sense of accomplishment. There used to be roosters that hung out (maybe still do?) along Kicker Rd. in Tuscaloosa... an odd place for them to be out and about, but they were. At one time, I traveled that road almost daily and it's amazing I never took one out. The closest I've ever come to a bad animal accident, close than the cow even, was a huge mule deer buck was loose on I-80 outside Salt Lake City, playing frogger. I was driving a Kia Minivan (rental). No idea how I (and everyone around me) missed it and avoided wrecking... had to be a Hand of God type deal... It was like something out of the Matrix where everything went slow-mo for a few seconds...
You got me imagining a mule deer in atari graphics playing frogger🤣
Hitting an emu would bother me I think... not like an armadillo where you feel a sense of accomplishment. There used to be roosters that hung out (maybe still do?) along Kicker Rd. in Tuscaloosa... an odd place for them to be out and about, but they were. At one time, I traveled that road almost daily and it's amazing I never took one out. The closest I've ever come to a bad animal accident, close than the cow even, was a huge mule deer buck was loose on I-80 outside Salt Lake City, playing frogger. I was driving a Kia Minivan (rental). No idea how I (and everyone around me) missed it and avoided wrecking... had to be a Hand of God type deal... It was like something out of the Matrix where everything went slow-mo for a few seconds...
Could have been a Guinea, stupidest bird alive, A house by our entrance road to Plant Gorgas back in the day had hundreds of them. One would get hit and the rest would run out in the road and start pecking the hell out of it. A coal truck would come through and plow through the ones pecking on the one that originally got hit. I don't see how these birds aren't extinct. 😬
Could have been a Guinea, stupidest bird alive, A house by our entrance road to Plant Gorgas back in the day had hundreds of them. One would get hit and the rest would run out in the road and start pecking the hell out of it. A coal truck would come through and plow through the ones pecking on the one that originally got hit. I don't see how these birds aren't extinct. 😬
Good fishing around that Gorgas plant!
Could have been a Guinea, stupidest bird alive, A house by our entrance road to Plant Gorgas back in the day had hundreds of them. One would get hit and the rest would run out in the road and start pecking the hell out of it. A coal truck would come through and plow through the ones pecking on the one that originally got hit. I don't see how these birds aren't extinct. 😬

Bet y’all didn’t have a tick problem. They love to eat ticks.

They’re a good bird to have cause they can be totally self sustaining by foraging for their own food. They can also be a good alert system to any predators from snakes to a bobcat.
Could have been a Guinea, stupidest bird alive, A house by our entrance road to Plant Gorgas back in the day had hundreds of them. One would get hit and the rest would run out in the road and start pecking the hell out of it. A coal truck would come through and plow through the ones pecking on the one that originally got hit. I don't see how these birds aren't extinct. 😬
I have lots of "Animals Hit" stories but the funniest isan old Maiden aunt of mine (RIP) Aunt Mauzie. With her never marrying and my grandmother being a widow, the pretty much went everywhere together. One day the were driving down an old country dirt road and were approaching afrm. As they got close to the farm they sawa confusion ( yep I had to look that one up) of Guinea fowl. My aunt (who was driving) looked over at my grandmother and said, " I heard you can't run them things over." She floored the accelerator and proceeded to killed 3 Guineas. My grandmother got upset and made my aunt turn around, go back to the farm, and tell the farmer what had just happened. After explaining to the farmer what she had done, why she did it, she offered to pay him for the dead birds. The farmer stood there for a minute, looked up at my aunt and said, "I always heard the same thing. I might have tried it myself one day. You don't owe me anything. Thanks for the education."
Side story: There was a dirt road between their houses. It had a very shallow, and low grade ditches on each side, and then fields. I can't remember what caused it, but my aunt left the roadway, crossed the ditch, and entered a field. She never stopped, but over corrected, crossed the road and the ditch on the other side, entering that field. again she didn't stop, but made it back on the dirt road and continued to my grandmothers house. She told me all about it, but ended her story with, "but I never lost control!"
She was an old maid, and school marm. I do miss my Aunt Mauzie Burch. There are many other great stories about her. I was the oldest grandson, of my grandmother, and my aunt considered me as her grandchild.
As they got close to the farm they sawa confusion ( yep I had to look that one up) of Guinea fowl.
Hell, you just confused me!

"Sawa" is a word: the same, similar is its general meaning. (I had to look it up one time.)

"They same confusion?" I saw the lack of a space a little late. "OH, a GROUP...THAT's what he's saying he looked up, not Sawa!"

On another note, I see them often. I'm not a fan of their "cry;" loud.
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